Temporary Disabilities Wilson College recognizes that individuals with temporarily disabling conditions that are a result of injuries, surgery, or short-term medical conditions may need access to services and resources similar to individuals with permanent disabilities. Examples of temporary disabilities may include, but are not limited to broken limbs, hand injuries, or short-term impairments following surgery or medical treatments. Students requiring temporary accommodations should follow the eligibility process. Please use the following verification form to facilitate the documentation process. Disability Verification Form If the health care provider would prefer to write a letter on your behalf, please have them include the following information. Documentation should include the following elements: • Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional. • Functional limitations or symptoms. (Limitations inform which accommodations are appropriate.) • Severity and/or expected progression. • Current medication(s) and any related side effects. • Any recommended accommodations. • Anticipated duration of disabling condition and follow up care date Please contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator with any questions regarding documentation requirements. Additional documentation may be requested to verify the need for continued services after the estimated duration of the condition has expired. Potential Accommodations for Temporary Accommodation Needs Academic accommodations are approved on a case-by-case basis. Examples of accommodations that may be available for a temporary disability include: • Audio recorder for lectures • Extended testing time • Computer use for essay exams • Classroom location change • Temporary residential changes Accessibility Accommodations Intro Alternative Testing Eligibility Process For Parents Housing Accommodations Service Animal Information Temporary Disabilities Relevant links ... Accessibility Accommodations Intro Alternative Testing Eligibility Process For Parents Housing Accommodations Service Animal Information Temporary Disabilities