Learning Opportunities Internships, foreign study, off-campus study, and other special opportunities are available to qualified students. The student's academic record and objectives will be taken into account in considering the proposed program, which must be approved in advance by the Committee on Academic Procedure. Public Leadership Education Network The Washington Center Internships Aichi Shukutoku University Gettysburg College Shippensburg University January Term Summer Study Public Leadership Education Network Preparing women to lead, PLEN is the place to be if you are a college woman interested in exploring a career in public policy. PLEN offers seminars where, in 3-5 days, a student can discover how Washington really works, network with high-level women policymakers, and connect with people who can help her secure an internship, open doors to jobs, and launch her career. PLEN programs also offer other unique professional development opportunities, including salary negotiation, resume workshops and informational interviews. The Washington Center Through an arrangement with the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC), which provides internships, seminars, and housing, Wilson students may receive up to a full semester's credit for working and studying in Washington, D.C. Seminars are taught in Washington by TWC faculty who have both academic preparation and practical experience in governmental affairs. Students' work is assessed by Wilson faculty. Internship opportunities are also available in London, U.K., and Sydney, Australia. More Information >> Sidebars Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Washington Semester Public Leadership Education Network Wilson College and the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog Relevant links ... Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog Internships Internships afford an opportunity for students to explore various career possibilities while still in college, enabling them to make better career choices. Internships may be completed in January Term, summer, and during the regular academic year. Internships, which are available in most disciplines, must have a strong academic component in order to be approved for course credit. No more than two internships may be counted toward graduation. Other internships are designated as exploratory experiences and may be taken for either one or one-half course credit, but will not fulfill graduation requirements. Students who wish to pursue an internship should consult with their academic adviser and the Director of Career Development. Regulations governing internships for credit are stated in the Academic Regulations. Aichi Shukutoku University Through a partnership with Aichi Shukutoku University in Nagoya, Japan, Wilson faculty or students can participate in special programs offered through their campus. Gettysburg College By special arrangement, through the Office of Academic Affairs, a Wilson student may enroll in courses at Gettysburg College. Shippensburg University Through a cooperative agreement between Wilson College and Shippensburg University, qualified full-time students may schedule courses at each other's campuses, on a space-available basis. The course credit, along with the grade earned, appears as regular credit, not as transfer credit, on the student's official record. Students register and pay tuition at the college at which they have matriculated. Most course offerings at each college are open to those students at the other college who have the necessary prerequisites. However, students may not schedule at the alternate college a course available on their own campus. A student's course load, including the course(s) scheduled at the other college, should not exceed the maximum load for the home college. January Term During the month of January students have the opportunity to engage in intensive on and off-campus activities including internships, foreign study, guided study, independent study, etc. A limited number of courses are offered on the Wilson Campus through the Adult Degree Programs. Summer Study Permission shall be obtained in advance to receive credit for work satisfactorily completed at summer sessions of accredited colleges and universities in the United States and abroad and through approved travel study tours. A limited number of courses are offered on the Wilson Campus through the Adult Degree Programs. Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Washington Semester Public Leadership Education Network Wilson College and the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog Relevant links ... Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog
Public Leadership Education Network Preparing women to lead, PLEN is the place to be if you are a college woman interested in exploring a career in public policy. PLEN offers seminars where, in 3-5 days, a student can discover how Washington really works, network with high-level women policymakers, and connect with people who can help her secure an internship, open doors to jobs, and launch her career. PLEN programs also offer other unique professional development opportunities, including salary negotiation, resume workshops and informational interviews.
The Washington Center Through an arrangement with the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC), which provides internships, seminars, and housing, Wilson students may receive up to a full semester's credit for working and studying in Washington, D.C. Seminars are taught in Washington by TWC faculty who have both academic preparation and practical experience in governmental affairs. Students' work is assessed by Wilson faculty. Internship opportunities are also available in London, U.K., and Sydney, Australia. More Information >> Sidebars Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Washington Semester Public Leadership Education Network Wilson College and the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog Relevant links ... Undergraduate Programs Online Undergraduate Programs Graduate Degree Programs Online Graduate Programs Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Programs Academic Calendar and Events Academic Support Center Study Abroad Internships Advanced Placement Learning Opportunities Phi Beta Kappa Library Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Hankey Center and Archives Equestrian Center Registrar Course Catalog
Internships Internships afford an opportunity for students to explore various career possibilities while still in college, enabling them to make better career choices. Internships may be completed in January Term, summer, and during the regular academic year. Internships, which are available in most disciplines, must have a strong academic component in order to be approved for course credit. No more than two internships may be counted toward graduation. Other internships are designated as exploratory experiences and may be taken for either one or one-half course credit, but will not fulfill graduation requirements. Students who wish to pursue an internship should consult with their academic adviser and the Director of Career Development. Regulations governing internships for credit are stated in the Academic Regulations.
Aichi Shukutoku University Through a partnership with Aichi Shukutoku University in Nagoya, Japan, Wilson faculty or students can participate in special programs offered through their campus.
Gettysburg College By special arrangement, through the Office of Academic Affairs, a Wilson student may enroll in courses at Gettysburg College.
Shippensburg University Through a cooperative agreement between Wilson College and Shippensburg University, qualified full-time students may schedule courses at each other's campuses, on a space-available basis. The course credit, along with the grade earned, appears as regular credit, not as transfer credit, on the student's official record. Students register and pay tuition at the college at which they have matriculated. Most course offerings at each college are open to those students at the other college who have the necessary prerequisites. However, students may not schedule at the alternate college a course available on their own campus. A student's course load, including the course(s) scheduled at the other college, should not exceed the maximum load for the home college.
January Term During the month of January students have the opportunity to engage in intensive on and off-campus activities including internships, foreign study, guided study, independent study, etc. A limited number of courses are offered on the Wilson Campus through the Adult Degree Programs.
Summer Study Permission shall be obtained in advance to receive credit for work satisfactorily completed at summer sessions of accredited colleges and universities in the United States and abroad and through approved travel study tours. A limited number of courses are offered on the Wilson Campus through the Adult Degree Programs.