Campus Safety Wilson College has a safe campus surrounded by a residential community within the town of Chambersburg, Pa., we know many parents are concerned about the safety of their child on a college campus. We understand that concern and accept our responsibility to enforce security policies and practices. We want our students to be as free from threats to their safety or well-being as possible during their time at Wilson College. Campus Safety and Security are coordinated by the Wilson College Department of Campus Safety, which is located in Lenfest Commons, where there is a guard provided by Synergy Security Services on duty 24 hours a day. Synergy Security Services provides selective and vigilant background screening for its security officers, who must also attend and graduate from the Synergy Security Services Academy by passing a written exam and undergoing continual training to upgrade their skills. Campus safety officers conduct foot and vehicular patrols of the campus and residence hall areas 24 hours a day. The campus safety guards enforce all regulations and policies of the College, as well as the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The College has a partnership with the local Chambersburg Borough Police that allows the local police to patrol campus 24 hours a day and to share information. The local police also work with Wilson College to provide additional training for resident hall professionals, as well as tactical training when requested. Rules and regulations regarding the code of conduct are listed in the Bluebook. Campus safety officers and student development staff strictly enforce laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances and weapons. The drug and alcohol policy statement, published in the Bluebook, is available from the Office of the Dean of Students and online at Consumption of alcoholic beverages for those under 21 and illegal drugs are not permitted on campus. Drug and alcohol abuse education programs are provided to employees through the Employee Assistance Program. Students seeking counseling, treatment or rehabilitation can contact the director of counseling services. All employees and students receive literature stating the College’s standards of conduct related to drugs and alcohol, and the applicable legal sanctions under local, state or federal law. Security Policies and Procedures Students, faculty and employees at Wilson have access to academic, recreational and administrative facilities on campus. Access to the residence halls is limited to students and their guests. Residence halls have key access 24 hours a day. College employees can only access the residence halls on an "as needed" basis and under strict key control procedures. The Student’s Responsibility Students must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings. Any student – male or female – may use the campus safety on-campus escort service from outlying parking lots when returning to the residence halls, classroom buildings, the library, stables, barns, athletic facilities and/or other campus locations. Room doors should be locked at all times. Valuable items such as cell phones, laptops, cameras and televisions should be marked with engraving instruments. Bicycles must be registered with the Wilson College Office of Campus Safety and should be secured with a sturdy lock. Students must park their locked cars in assigned areas and valuables should be locked in vehicle trunks. Students should report any suspicious individuals or unusual incidents to campus safety (24/7 availability), the residence adviser on duty and/or campus personnel. Escort Services Call campus security any time you feel uncomfortable about leaving one area to go to another. Mission Statement Wilson College campus safety office is dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure environment in which students can live, learn, work and grow. Our Campus History and Traditions President Offices Mission and Vision Honor Principle Values Consumer Information Human Resources Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity The Arts at Wilson Commencement Employment Opportunities Policy for Taking Photos on the Wilson College Campus Conference and Event Center Campus Safety Relevant links ... Our Campus History and Traditions President Offices Mission and Vision Honor Principle Values Consumer Information Human Resources Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity The Arts at Wilson Commencement Employment Opportunities Policy for Taking Photos on the Wilson College Campus Conference and Event Center Campus Safety Useful DocumentsMissing Student Policy & ProcedureWilson College Policy on Title IX Sexual HarassmentSexual Misconduct Reporting FormCyber Bullying PolicyCampus Safety and Security ReportVehicle Request Form Contact Information Campus Security Lenfest Commons - Lobby 717-372-CALL / 717-372-2255 Hours Safety officers are on campus 24 hrs/7 days a week. If we are not at the Security Desk in Lenfest Commons, please call our cell phone at 717-372-2255 as we are likely on rounds somewhere on campus.