Paying for College Be sure to complete all necessary financial aid documents or procedures to have financial aid applied to your account BEFORE using additional payment options. Go here to complete your documents and procedures. How to make a payment Wilson offers many ways to pay your college bill, including monthly installment payment plans, electronic payments, or cash/check payments. Students may pay online at or through the Self-Service tab on the MyWilson portal. The processing fee for debit/credit card transactions is the greater of 2.5% or $3.95. The processing fee for e-check (ACH) payments is $1.75. Student Financial Services staff are available to assist you in navigating your payment options. See your Student Statement Payment Options here. How to check your bill Once you’ve paid your deposit, you can access the MyWilson portal and Self-Service. You can review your account 24/7 via Self-Service by following these steps: Enable pop-ups in your internet browser. Go to (MyWilson portal) and log in with your username and password You will find the Self-Service tab in the left navigation bar. There you can view your account, register for classes, and make payments. How to see account statements and details Select “Financial Information” on the Self-Service menu. Under “Account Activity,” you can see your transaction details or view your statement. To view your account activity by term: Select the term you would like to view from the dropdown menu. You can choose to Expand All or select only the category you wish to view in detail by selecting the arrow next to the category name. To view your statement: Select the term you would like to view from the drop-down menu. Select “View Statement.” This will provide you with the transaction details of your charges, financial aid, and payments. Payment plans To enroll in a payment plan: Go to Select Enroll in a Plan Enter Pennsylvania as the state, Wilson College as the payment entity, and the plan group that reflects your enrollment status. After you have selected the plan group, you will need to enter your student ID number, first and last name, and follow the additional instructions. Note: Although the payment plan is interest-free, enrollment fees vary by plan. There is a service charge of 2.5% for debit/credit card payments or $1.75 for e-check (ACH) payments. Direct deposit sign-up We strongly encourage you to provide personal banking information so that we may directly deposit student account refunds into your personal account. Direct deposit allows you to receive refunds faster and ensures that checks are not lost in the mail or displaced. Students may provide banking information within Self-Service and may contact for assistance. The Business Office will verify the accuracy of banking information provided. Important dates Affordability Financial Aid FAQs Financial Aid How We Help Paying for College Policies and Terminology Tuition and Fees Relevant links ... Affordability Financial Aid FAQs Financial Aid How We Help Paying for College Policies and Terminology Tuition and Fees Wilson College FAFSA code: 003396 Wilson College Net Price Calculator Contact Information Financial Aid T: 717-262-2016 F: 717-262-2530 Lenfest Student Center - Ground Floor