Student Life

Take Advantage of the Opportunities
Class isn’t the only place where you’ll broaden your mind. Explore dozens of student organizations and activities, and nine NCAA Division III sports. Our Office of Student Development makes sure your campus experience is the best it can be.

College—a 24/7 Experience

Take Advantage of the Opportunities

Whether you’re editing the yearbook, making friends in choir or running for student government, you’ll feel the support of our close-knit community.

Developing a Complete You

Everything You’ll Need to Thrive

Living on Campus

Living on campus makes it easier to forge connections and immerse yourself in student life—and it makes you more likely to stick to your educational goals. 

Getting Involved

What you do outside of class is just as important as your coursework. Whether you love furry creatures, community service, the arts, or you want to build up your resume, advocate for change, or create amazing experiences, there's an opportunity for you.


Student Organizations

Our collaborative, encouraging environment means you’ll find support to pursue activities that reflect your interests. Gain confidence through the Phoenix Leaders Program, perform in plays, join the gaming club—or even form your own club.

Wilson at a Glance

See how the numbers add up to a complete college experience.
Student organizations and clubs
Whether you’re interested in choir, archery, student government or just meeting other students in your major, there are plenty of activities to choose from.
NCAA Division III sports
Our student-athletes enjoy both a quality education and the thrill of athletic competition. Choose from six women’s sports and five men’s sports.
Countries represented
Students come from all over the world (and 22 states) to get a Wilson education.

Student News & Events

Catch up with Wilson’s latest news, upcoming events and faculty and student accomplishments.

Summer orientation is your introduction to college life before the excitement of fall semester begins.

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Summer orientation is your introduction to college life before the excitement of fall semester begins.

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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Wilson Phoenix Promote Dylan Ward to Head Coach

Wilson College recently announced the promotion of Dylan

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inside library

Wilson College Partners with Franklin County Library System to Expand Access

With an aim to enrich community access to library resources, The John Stewart Memorial Library at Wilson College is partnering with the Franklin Co

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