SPS Program Housing Single Parent Scholars Program students and their children are housed in Prentis Hall. Each SPS Program participant resides in a two-room suite with a private bath. SPS Program students never have roommates; housing is only for the SPS Program student and their child(ren) - no partners, friends, or other family members are ever permitted to live with the student. Each suite is furnished with a twin bed, a dresser, a desk and desk chair. College-issued furniture must remain in the room but residents are welcome to bring their own personal pieces to make their space feel like home. Prentis suites offer air conditioning. All residents are encouraged to bring fans. Residents should refer to the Residence Life Policies when outfitting their room. You can find the quick-reference Residence Life FAQs and Packing List online. On each floor, SPS Program students share a common playroom, computer room, kitchen, and laundry facilities. Prentis playrooms are equipped with a TV and DVD/VCR player. The computer rooms each have two computers and one printer. There is also limited seasonal storage available on each floor. Prentis residents share a large common living room on the first floor with a TV and DVD/VCR player and piano. Basic SPS Program community expectations are set by Residence Life and the SPS Program director, but each community meets regularly to discuss and determine their own methods of meeting those expectations and any other standards they feel are appropriate for their floor community. As SPS Program students have different housing needs than traditional students, the SPS Program housing contract provides housing from the time SPS Program students and their children move in for orientation in August through commencement closing in May. SPS Program students are able to stay in residence through all academic year break periods. SPS Program students wishing to reserve their room for the coming academic year are required to sign their room agreement for the coming year by mid-April. SPS Program students also have the ability to remain in their academic year rooms throughout the summer sessions regardless of whether they are taking summer classes. Summer housing is billed separately than the academic year housing. SPS Program students who plan to leave campus for the summer but have signed a room agreement for fall semester can leave their belongings in their room without paying for summer housing as long as they complete a checkout and return their room key before leaving campus. Single Parent Scholar Program Important Information SPS Program Application Process SPS Program Housing SPS Program Testimonials SPS Program FAQs Relevant links ... Single Parent Scholar Program Important Information SPS Program Application Process SPS Program Housing SPS Program Testimonials SPS Program FAQs Contact InformationKatherine KoughDean of Students, SPSP Director717-262-2669kkough@wilson.edu Charles GreeneDirector of Residence Life717-262-2006, ext. 3125reslife@wilson.edu Additional InformationSPS Program Housing GalleryLiving on CampusCampus HousingMeal PlansMove-in Packing ListResidency PolicyWilson College Blue Book