Chemistry Recent Senior Research Projects
Mariam Khalifeh "The Effects of Water Soluble Fiber Combined with Poly- and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids on Plasma Lipoprotein Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Rats." 2011 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Oral Presentation.

Megan Dennis "Comparing Vitellogenin Induction by 17β-estradiol in Male Danio rerio Through a Tritrophic Bioaccumulation Model and a Bioconcentration Model." 2011 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Oral Presentation.
Capulet Williams “Detectable Limits of Blood Using Luminal Following Exposure to Extreme Heat of Fire.” 2010 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Poster Presentation.
Abstract: Luminal, which produces chemiluminescence upon oxidation, is frequently used to detect blood at crime scenes as only one per per milliom (ppm) of blood is necessary for a detectable signal. Forensic scientists and law enforcement officers often encounter situations where attempts have been made to cover up or destroy evidence by the use of arson. In this study, the detection limit of blood following exposure to the extreme heat of fire was investigated. Fluorimetry was utilized to determine whether the intensity of chemiluminescence was linearly related to concentration of blood and to determine whether the intensity of chemiluminescence changed when blood was exposed to heat. Trends indicate that blood exposed to heat produces a higher intensity of chemiluminescence verses blood that has not been exposed to heat. Blood at various dilutions (0.01 ppm – 100 ppm) was then qualitatively analyzed before and after exposure to the extreme heat of fire. A controlled burn of wood pallets treated with the same dilutions of blood was done in cooperation with the Franklin County Public Safety and FireTraining Center. The pallets will be treated with luminal and examined qualitatively and quantitatively using a digital fluorescence imaging system.
Ashley Mudd. "An Inquiry into the Existence of a Relationship between β-carotene and Tetrachloroisophthalonitrile Fungicide Residue levels in Raphanus sativus." 2009 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Oral Presentation.
Abstract: The lipophilic compound β-carotene serves as a precursor to vitamin A (retinol) in animals, which is essential in the proper functioning of light-sensitive nerve cells in the retina. Prior studies have focused primarily on the increase of phytochemical bioavailability within the human system, but have not examined the potentiality of a positive correlation between the non-polar phytochemical, β-carotene and bioaccumulation of non-polar biocides. Over 11 million pounds of the non-polar fungicide tetrachloroisophthalonitrile are applied annually to vegetables and fruits in the U.S. as a deterrent for fungal diseases. Tetrachloroisophthalonitrile was applied weekly to four varieties of Raphanus sativus (Rainbow, Zlata, Mooli, Mantanghong). Variables affecting plant stress and health were monitored, including soil pH, moisture, temperature and light-exposure. Foliage and root samples were analyzed for β-carotene content using HPLC/UV-vis and tetrachloroisophthalonitrile content using an enzyme immuno assay.