Do you ‘Boldly Believe’? Show your support today of Wilson College and help ensure the next 150 years of boldly inspiring and preparing students for a meaningful life of work and service! It’s an exciting time at Wilson. We are celebrating our Sesquicentennial (how many colleges can say they’ve achieved 150 years young?), and we have a new president – Wesley R. Fugate, Ph.D. In recognition of this historic moment and in celebration of our new president, you can help guarantee future generations will have the resources needed to achieve a Wilson education. This special opportunity is not just about making a gift to support the needs of Wilson students. It’s about joining the community of folks who are committed to Wilson’s future, like Wilson Trustee Margaret Hamilton Duprey. Between now and June 30, 2020, your generosity will be matched by Margaret on a one-to-one basis, up to $150,000. Margaret understands how important the Wilson experience is to students. “During my three years on the Board of Trustees, I have seen first-hand how important the unrestricted Wilson Fund is to the success of Wilson’s students and the campus as a whole,” Duprey said. “It is my pleasure to offer this match and I hope that others will step up to be a part of the Boldly Believe campaign. With President Fugate at the helm, the College is re-energized and focused on the future.” “The College is so fortunate to have Margaret as a benefactor. She recognizes the critical importance of unrestricted financial support,” said Camilla Rawleigh, Wilson vice president for institutional advancement. “Through her generous, forward-thinking $150,000 Wilson Fund match, she is helping to kick off the Sesquicentennial Boldly Believe campaign and will incentivize others to give.” The campaign’s main objective is to make sure the “every day” category, which refers to the College’s Wilson Fund, meets its $1 million goal, “It touches every aspect of the College, from student financial aid to operational needs,” said Rawleigh of the Wilson Fund, a multipurpose, unrestricted general fund. During the campaign, the College is also seeking gifts to support the restricted and unrestricted endowment, as well as commitments for estate planning. Wilson alumni, their families and friends, and others are encouraged to make provisions in their wills to support the College. It’s easy and convenient to make a gift. Simply click on the “Give” button on the right-hand side of this page or contact Cami in Wilson’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 717-264-2061 or Giving to Wilson Giving Tuesday Ways to Give Give a Gift Brick Wilson Fund Phoenix GEMS: Giving Every Month Society Donor Thank You Meet the Staff Pines and Maples Society Gift Planning Student Scholarships Relevant links ... Giving to Wilson Giving Tuesday Ways to Give Wilson Fund Phoenix GEMS: Giving Every Month Society Donor Thank You Meet the Staff Pines and Maples Society Gift Planning Student Scholarships Give Contact Information Office of Institutional Advancement Camilla B. Rawleigh Vice President for Institutional Advancement 717-264-2061 Toll Free: Denise M. McDowell Director of Development 717-264-2111 Toll Free: