Work in the Hankey Center Hankey Center and C. Elizabeth Boyd ’33 Archives Internship Opportunities The Hankey Center at Wilson College is a research center for the study of the history of women’s education. It houses the C. Elizabeth Boyd ’33 Archives which is the official repository for the College’s records, including those that pertain to academic programs and courses of instruction, academic departments and committees, administrative records, student life and alumni information. Particular strengths of the collection include women’s history in the United States during the period of operation of the College including biographical information about women faculty, administrators and alumnae who were notable in various fields, including military women during WWII in the Waves, WASPs and SPARS, women in medicine, science and education, foreign missionaries, government, social justice movements, etc. Interns in the Hankey Center will have the opportunity for hands-on work with a variety of materials including administrative and personnel records, publications including yearbooks, catalogs, and student newspapers, correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, textiles, and artifacts. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply, especially those interested in gaining experience in archives, women’s history, sociology and women’s studies. Internship projects will take into consideration the skills and interests of each student. Possible projects include: Processing and cataloguing of an archival collection including the creation of finding aids and database entry Digital Humanities projects including digital exhibit research and design, and video documentaries Transcription of historic documents Digitization of photographs and scrapbooks. Oral history-related research, interviews, and transcription Internships in the Hankey Center are available for the fall and spring semesters and over the summer from May-August, part-time for 100-150 hours. To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter and contact information for two references to Maxine Wagenhoffer, Director of the Hankey Center, at Wilson College Students and Faculty Opportunities The Hankey Center and Boyd Archives offer work study positions for Wilson students involving a variety of tasks including scanning of photographs and other historic documents, processing of collections, research assistance, filing, website development and more. Please contact Maxine Wagenhoffer for more information. The Hankey Center and Boyd Archives also offer opportunities for Wilson students to conduct research for senior honors theses and internships in departments such as Sociology, History and Women’s Studies. Typical projects focus on Wilson’s history and how individual alumnae and faculty narratives relate to the broader context of women’s history in the United States and historical and sociological aspects of women’s work, education and work/life balance. We are also available for help with research questions for regular course projects. Volunteer Opportunities at the Hankey Center: Identification • Help us identify your friends, date, and caption photographs. Inventory and Rehousing • Create box lists (inventories) for unprocessed collections. Transcription of Documents • Transcribe letters and handwritten documents. Hankey Center and Archives About the Hankey Center Traditions Staff/Contact Exhibits at The Hankey Center Digital Exhibits Articles and Videos Resources Work in the Hankey Center Relevant links ... Hankey Center and Archives About the Hankey Center Staff/Contact Exhibits at The Hankey Center Digital Exhibits Articles and Videos Resources Work in the Hankey Center Antiquities Collection Elizabeth McGeorge Sullivan '38 Papers Kathryn Keller '40 Collection