Single Parent Scholar Program Testimonials “I’ve gotten a lot of opportunities here that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. The support that I had (at Wilson) with the other parents living near us, (my son) having other kids to play with, made this dream possible.” - Heather Schuler '19 “Without the Single Parent Scholar program, I would not be able to balance life, work, school and my children. Without the help of scholarships and grants, I would not be able to afford to go to college, and would not be able to live to my full potential.” - Rachel Disilvestri ’20 Image “There’s a community of people who are in the same situation that you are. We’re in the same boat, and we want to be successful. So we help each other be successful. It really is just a huge family, and it’s wonderful.” - Aura Langley ’23 Image "The Single Parent Scholars Program has made it possible for me to pursue a four-year degree. The statement 'it takes a village' has come to life in the program and I am so grateful to be a part of this opportunity. To be able to provide a more stable future for my daughter and I has opened the doors of possibility for us." - Morgan Kelly '24 Image "Wilson has not only helped me get a good education, it has given me the opportunity to have my son in an educated environment. With him being exposed to education and students, being active and participating in things on campus, and me being able to include him in all the activities and extracurricular things that I do, that helps him see himself have a future and opens up opportunities to him that he can even consider once he gets older." - Nija Simmons '25 Single Parent Scholar Program Important Information SPS Program Application Process SPS Program Housing SPS Program Testimonials SPS Program FAQs Relevant links ... Single Parent Scholar Program Important Information SPS Program Application Process SPS Program Housing SPS Program Testimonials SPS Program FAQs