Art Exhibition Archives Improvised: The Art of Practiced FreedomNovember 2, 2022 to March 31, 2023The Cooley Gallery’s latest exhibition, Improvised: The Art of Practiced Freedom, is a shared adventure between arts faculty from Hagerstown Community College and Wilson College. Capstone Exhibition: Women Creating ChangeWilson hosted an exhibition of works by Adrianna Broome honoring women who are creating change in the world today. The women celebrated include environmental activist Greta Thunberg and indigenous people’s rights and climate justice advocate Nina Gualinga. From Huntingdon, Pa., Broome is majoring in graphic design, with a secondary area of emphasis in photography and a double minor in art history and ancient world studies. For her senior capstone project, Broome said that she created a body of work “that celebrates and promotes women around the world from a variety of fields and disciplines, honoring their goals, movements, and accomplishments. My artistic research addresses Women Creating Change and the impact these powerful women have on our society and culture.”December 8 - December 27, 2021 11th Annual Juried High School Student Art ExhibitionOctober 27 – December 1, 2021 The Foundry Artists at Wilson 20219/8/21 – 10/6/21 2021 Wilson College Senior Capstone Exhibition4/28/21 – 5/17/21 Hagerstown Community College Student Invitational Exhibit02/12/21 – 03/10/21 10th Annual Juried High School Student Art ExhibitionFebruary 24 - March 3, 2021 2019 Juried Student Art Exhibition 9th Annual Juried High School Student Art ExhibitionOct. 30 to Dec. 6, 2019 8th Annual Juried High School Student Art ExhibitionNov. 1 to Dec. 7, 2018 2018 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition3/28/2018 - 4/27/2018 Rock. Water. Air. | R.K. Dickson1/31/2018 – 6/4/2018 7th Annual Juried High School Student Art Exhibition11/1/2017 - 12/8/2017 Kate Miller, Chronicles9/13/2017 – 12/8/2017 The Foundry Artists Exhibition9/13/2017- 10/13/2017 2017 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition3/22/2017-4/21/2017 Staff and Faculty Exhibition2/15/2017 - 5/14/2017The work of Wilson Faculty and Staff will be on exhibition in the Cooley Gallery. Peter MazzoneProgressions10/7/16 - 1/27/2017Mazzone’s Progressions is a collection of new paintings inspired by the artist’s desire to “remedy the world around them by and through art.” He says he is interested in the “purity of intuition” and “the consciousness of seeing.” Daniel BurnsThe Burns Exhibition9/7/16 - 10/14/2016The Burns exhibition, Recent Work, is a collection of paintings from 2014-15 created in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. “Each [painting] is an invention representing a moment in time, a fleeting time spent in a studio, a new beginning,” said Burns, who describes painting for him as a “desire” “calling,” and a “privilege.” He works to document experiences, relying on instinct and atmosphere. For him, these works reflect a sense of place, which is deeply rooted in American painting 2016 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition3/22/16 – 4/20/16Juror: Alex Miller, B.A. Art Education, Shippensburg University; M.F.A candidate Hood College; High School Art Teacher, Greencastle-Antrim Area School District Anita Williams, Orange Marigold, 2016, oil on canvas, First PrizeAllison Engle, Home, 2016, photogram, Second PrizeKari Lehman, The Holocaust, 2015, digital printEmma Lloyd, XO, 2015, mixed mediaHong Nguyen, Crayons, 2016, gelatin silver printBenjamin Luzier, Lazy Sunday, 2016, acrylic on canvas Alejandro DuránWashed Up: Transforming a Trashed LandscapeMarch 22 – May 27, 2016 (show extended to June 12, 2016)Artist and educator Alejandro Durán brings his stunning photography and installation project – Washed Up: Transforming a Trashed Landscape – to the John Stewart Memorial Library’s new Sue Davison Cooley Art Gallery at Wilson College in March. Washed Up eloquently depicts the worldwide impact of plastic pollution through Durán’s photographs of Sian Ka’an, a tropical nature reserve in Mexico, where the natural world intersects with trash carried there from around the globe by ocean currents. Read more. Art & Design Course Requirements Art & Design Faculty Student Learning Goals Minors Art & Design Minors Dance High School Art Show Exhibitions Senior Capstone Exhibitions Bogigian Gallery Cooley Gallery Hunnicutt Classics Gallery Art Exhibition Archive Facilities Career Opportunities Resources Visiting Artists Master of Fine Arts Relevant links ... Art & Design Course Requirements Art & Design Faculty Student Learning Goals Minors High School Art Show Exhibitions Facilities Career Opportunities Resources Visiting Artists Master of Fine Arts Contact Philip Lindsey Professor of Fine Arts Director of Bogigian Gallery Email: Phone: (717) 264-2783