Fulton Farm Apprentice and Summer Internships Fulton Farm offers a unique apprentice and internship experiences for people interested in organic farming. The apprentice season begins in April or May and ends in October/November with opportunity for a second season. Shorter experiences for summer interns are also available. Experienced farm workers will find an excellent opportunity to practice their skills, take on responsibilities and strengthen their knowledge base. People new to organic farming will learn the basics in a hands-on encounter with the land. The main qualifications we seek are a good attitude, a strong work ethic and a serious desire to learn and practice sustainable agriculture. Application Process Download and complete this Fulton Farm apprentice and summer internship application and return it to Christine Mayer, Director, at christine.mayer@wilson.edu. Fulton Farm Apprentice Program The apprentice program at Fulton Farm is designed to develop future farmers. Our apprentices participate in all aspects of farm production and maintenance including but not limited to: weed pest and disease management, harvesting, post-harvest handling, irrigation, greenhouse propagation, seeding, transplanting, composting, assisting with CSA operation, markets, basic building projects and maintenance, volunteer management, cleaning and organizing. Farm apprentices are expected to work five to six days a week, 50-65 hours total, under the direction of the Farm Manager. Apprentices work independently, with others and with the farm managers. Apprentices also participate in communal living responsibilities and meetings and have the opportunity to apply for a second season at Fulton Farm. Fulton Farm Intern Summer Program Our summer internship program is designed for college students/graduates who are interested in sustainable agriculture, community engagement, public horticulture and/or environmental education. Taken for credit or for experience, this summer program will offer practical skills and teach sustainability through agriculture. General Information Prospective apprentices and interns should come to this program with the desire to learn the art and science of organic farming. This is a work-based education program, founded in the philosophy that the best way to learn about farming is to do it! Farm work can be boring, tedious and exhausting, in conditions that range from hot sun with mosquitoes to cold, rain and wind. However, with the right attitude, many people find that they acclimate to the work and find it offers a good challenge which is enjoyable, satisfying and fun. There is something about looking back on a cleanly weeded or cultivated field, or stacking up a mountain of winter squash, that can’t be achieved in an office environment. There is no better connection to one’s food supply than being able to watch a crop from seed to harvest. We are committed to instructing individuals in the “whys and hows” of the various techniques employed on our farm. This education will take place during fieldwork sessions, periodic farm walks and after hours, if desired. Educational field trips are organized and encouraged, and may include visits to other farms, markets, special events or other activities as the interest arises. The College has an extensive library, to which interns have free access. Our goal is to train a new generation of sustainable farmers, as well as environmentally and socially conscious citizens. We seek dedicated and interested people to help run our farm. We expect our participants to have a willingness to work hard, conscientiously, quickly and efficiently, with the goal of getting the job done well while learning the craft of farming. Keep in mind that the weather and CSA schedule dictate the farm's work schedule. This guarantees hours working in the hot sun or early, cold, and frosty mornings. But this is the life of a farmer! Particular skills for both interns and appentices, depending upon particular interests include: low-input greenhouse propagation and production; seeding and planting techniques; irrigation design and operation; compost production and use; soil preparation and conservation; manual and mechanical weed control; cover cropping; harvesting efficiency and quality control; planning CSA distribution; managing a farmers market stand; and potentially, tractor work and equipment maintenance. Other topics can be researched according to the intern’s desires and in consultation with the farm management. What someone takes away from Fulton Farm depends a large part on what she or he puts into it. In addition to being a great learning experience, your time on the farm will certainly be memorable! Like any job, communication is important and is stressed to complete tasks effectively and to promote crew satisfaction. We require applicants to visit the farm to assess compatibility. Duties and Compensation This apprentice program is a trade: We trade our knowledge for your labor. We count on our participants to be conscientious and reliable, as well as hard-working. We hope that they will come to feel personally invested in the farm, taking responsibility for its care and pride in its productivity. We also hope that interns will be willing and able to take on some important responsibilities such as greenhouse management, supervision of volunteers, care of our chickens or and partial management of our farmers market stand after they are fully trained in these tasks and feel comfortable doing so. In addition to knowledge, we will provide a place to live, bountiful food from the farm and a weekly stipend. We ask you not to think of the stipend as a wage, but as something to help you get by while you learn to farm. An apprentice's week is typically about 50-65 hours of work/study on the farm. On Saturdays, we rotate through our local farmers market, on-farm duties and days off. There will be occasional times when we will need to harvest on a Saturday or a Sunday or do some type of maintenance or farm chore in order to keep the farm running smoothly. The farm management will schedule in advance ahead of the weekend if help is needed. Educational field trips are often considered a part of “work” and happen throughout the season. Modern housing is available. Apprentices can expect to have one's own or share a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen facilities in the farmhouse addition. We can only hire a limited number of paid apprentices, and typically give preference to those that can commit to the full season (March-November). Short-season (summer) interns, such as college students, or people with other commitments may receive food and housing, plus all educational experiences as program space permits. Intern pay will depend on our budget. Please indicate on your application if this option interests you. Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Student Learning Fulton Farm Apprentice and Summer Internships Fulton Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Market Share Program Sustainability at Wilson FCSS Events and Workshops Community Art at Fulton Farm Fulton Farm Interdisciplinary Courses and Partnerships Monarch Waystation Relevant links ... Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Student Learning Fulton Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Market Share Program Sustainability at Wilson FCSS Events and Workshops Community Art at Fulton Farm Fulton Farm Interdisciplinary Courses and Partnerships Monarch Waystation Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Subscribe To Our Newsletter Helpful Resources Factory Farm Forum Resources For the Community Environmental Club Contact Information Christine Mayer FCSS Director 717-264-4420 christine.mayer@wilson.edu Tim Gacquin College Farmer tim.gacquin@wilson.edu