Course Requirements Concentration in Literary Studies Concentration in Literary Studies Students who concentrate in Literary Studies will read the works of classic writers as well as contemporary literature and philosophy. Simultaneously, students will learn to interpret what they have read by studying new developments in critical theory. There is no better way to learn how to think critically, analytically, and nimbly, than by studying the written word (plus, you learn to write well, too!). Broadly integrative in design, a concentration in literary studies prepares students for careers in teaching (including in higher education or journalism), communications and writing, public service, and other jobs that require analytical ability. Required courses: ENG 345 Shakespeare's Histories and Comedies or ENG 346 Shakespeare's Tragedies and Romances All of the below: ENG 311 Structure of the English Language ENG 380 Literary and Cultural Interpretation ENG 400 Assessment Portfolio (1 credit) Students must also select eight additional literature courses in English. Of these courses, at least three must be taken at the 300 level and one must be in each of the following areas: • British literature • American literature • European literature • literature written before 1700 • literature written after 1900 A student may choose ENG 220 Creative Writing as one of the eight courses, provided that the above criteria are met. Either ENG 115 or 185 may count towards completion of the concentration. English English Faculty Course Requirements Concentration in Media Writing Course Requirements Concentration in Literary Studies Course Requirements Concentration in Creative Writing Student Media and Clubs English Writers Series Events Department Awards Internships and Careers in English Assessment in English Minor in English