Assessment in English Assessment for Concentration in Literary Studies Assessment for Concentration in Creative Writing Assessment for Concentration in Media Writing Assessment for Concentration in Literary Studies Students who complete a major in English with a concentration in literary studies will demonstrate that they are • capable academic writers; • skillful interpreters of literature; • versed in literary methodology; • and effective synthesizers of ideas. They will do this by crafting a 20-page paper of publishable quality that reflects the culminating synthesis of their study in the field. This paper is written during the student’s senior-year Shakespeare course (completed in the Spring semester) and the results of this work will be presented during Senior Research Day. Assessment for Concentration in Creative Writing Students who complete a major in English with a concentration in creative writing will demonstrate that they are persuasive writers Students will demonstrate their awareness of • purpose in writing, • audience, • level, • tone, • structure, • and use of supporting detail. accomplished creative writers Students will demonstrate their mastery of one creative genre, including the genre’s • conventions, • structure, • and components. Students will develop their portfolios during their senior year by enrolling in the senior thesis project in Creative Writing. The portfolio will consist of a 15-page reflexive essay that addresses the questions above. Students completing the creative writing concentration will be required to present their work during the annual Student Research Day. Assessment for Concentration in Media Writing Students who are completing a major in English with a Concentration in Media Writing will demonstrate that they • are able to compose text in a variety of common media genres; • understand the conventions of common print and online media styles; • and are clear, consistent, and capable writers. Students completing this concentration will do their assessment as part of their internship. As part of their internship project, students will compile a set of clippings (that can be drawn from all of the work they have done in the program) that reflects the learning goals in the program. English English Faculty Course Requirements Concentration in Media Writing Course Requirements Concentration in Literary Studies Course Requirements Concentration in Creative Writing Student Media and Clubs English Writers Series Events Department Awards Internships and Careers in English Assessment in English Minor in English