News published by the Office of Marketing and Comunications

Wilson Team Leads Mission Trip to Dominican Republic

A team of 14 Wilson College students, faculty members and an alumna, accompanied by three local medical practitioners associated with Wellspan Health, traveled to the Dominican Republic on a medical mission trip to help sugar cane cutters with healthcare needs. The team left Jan. 5. It was the second such Wilson-sponsored tripin the past two years─the first was held in 2018.




Wilson, Penn State Mont Alto Business Students to Pitch Start-up Ideas to 'Shark Tank' Panel

Students in Wilson College Prof. Thomas Armstrong's "Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management" class, as well as students from Penn State Mont Alto Adjunct Prof. Alan Rock's "Small Business Management" course, will pitch their ideas for business startups to a roomful of observers─including a panel of business experts─on Tuesday, Dec. 3.