Wilson Recognizes Teacher Certification Pathways Completers Fifty students completed the Wilson College Teacher Certification Pathways program. TCP completers are: Jennifer Bair, Michael Buchheit, Michiyo Buckwalter, Heidi Buffington, Ryan Chamberlain, Brooke Clugh, Chalfant Conley, Rebecca Cortes, Darcie Crock, Lance Deane, Jason Engro, Montserrat Fonseca-Estrada, Miranda Forney, Allison Goodling, Danielle Guarriello-Rhoads, Benjamin Hallam, Heather Herman, Corey Keener, Brenda Kelly, Ashley Kline, Jennifer Knechtmann, Sarah Knouse, Kathryn Krishan, Jon Kunkel, Jessica Lowery, Andrew Macik, Mark Maglioli, Matthew Maple, Andrew Martin, Richard Martinez, Debra Mowe, Kelli Polly, Madhavi Ravi, Joel Rineer, Matthew O’Donnell, Kyle Ott, Benjamin Semple, Jarrett Smith, Carolyn Sollenberger, Garrett Strous, Tabitha Studer, Laura Suchanick, Hillary Swartz, Victoria Thomas, Quinn Turocy, Bailey Weibley, Madalyn Weikert, Jenifer Wellman, Yuk Ling Wong and Dody Zeigler. Approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in 1985, Wilson’s TCP program allows those who already have bachelor’s degrees to become certified to teach. Three distinct pathways fall under TCP: the TIP, FLIP (Foreign Language Intern Pathway) and TOP (Teacher Online Pathway) programs. A variety of certifications are available, covering all grades and including specialized areas such as special education. Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201