Wilson College Counseling Center Located in the Wellness Center in Lenfest Commons First Floor 103D-103G Contact: counseling@wilson.edu Services Offered Short-term individual counseling, Medication management services, Telehealth (Zoom) and In-Person Sessions are available, Workshops and programming events. Common Reasons to Seek On-campus Counseling: Anxiety, Depression, Adjustment to College, Stress and Time Management Interpersonal Relationship Issues, Sexual Identity Concerns, Body Image Concerns. Eligibility Requirements College can sometimes be difficult and stressful! Wilson College Counseling Center offers free, limited counseling services to eligible students who are struggling with a variety of concerns.Students best served by on-campus counseling have acute, minimal concerns that can be resolved within a short period of time, where safety is not a concern. Chronic, persistent, and severe mental health concerns, including imminent danger to self or others, will be referred to off-campus counseling at the discretion of the Director of Counseling. Off-campus counseling, which may include emergency room visits, partial or full hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment or specialized treatment provided by private practitioners is not affiliated with Wilson College. Eligibility for on-campus counseling is determined by the Director of Counseling, in consultation with other licensed counseling center counselors, when necessary. Eligibility is based upon predetermined clinical criteria, counseling center appointment availability, and current counseling center resources (i.e., staffing, intern availability etc.) Eligibility standards may change at any time, with or without notice.If the Director of Counseling determines that a student is best served by off-campus counseling, a referral list of providers will be provided to the student. Students referred to off campus clinicians are solely responsible arranging appointments, transportation to and from the site as well as payment arrangements to the provider.To discuss counseling services and/or eligibility, please email: counseling@wilson.edu. In the case of a mental health emergency where your life or the life of someone else is in danger, please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room. How do I Start Counseling at WCCC? Students are encouraged to contact WCCC directly by email at counseling@wilson.edu to request services and complete necessary paperwork. The Director of Counseling will determine eligibility upon completion of paperwork and/or evaluative assessments if needed. Academic Success Center Accessibility Services Subject Tutoring Writing Lab Campus Dining Campus Housing Campus Life FAQ'S Career Development Clubs and Activities College Store Getting Involved Living on Campus Student Blue Book Student Services Student Orientation Student Wellness Wilson College Counseling Center Parents Pets on Campus Phoenix Against Violence Relevant links ... Academic Success Center Campus Dining Campus Housing Campus Life FAQ'S Career Development Clubs and Activities College Store Getting Involved Living on Campus Student Blue Book Student Services Student Orientation Student Wellness Parents Pets on Campus Phoenix Against Violence