Student Media and Clubs Communications The Billboard is Wilson College's campus newspaper. Students may work on The Billboard as part of a student club, for class credit, or for work study. To learn more about The Billboard, click on the link provided. The Bottom Shelf Review is Wilson College's literary magazine. Run by and for Wilson students, the magazine publishes the best in prose, poetry, and drama by the entire Wilson community. To learn more about The Bottom Shelf Review, click on the link provided. To read about the history of student media at Wilson, click here. The Kittochtinny Players, the Wilson College Dramatics Society works hand-in-hand with the Department's minor in theater. The group puts on a major production every Spring and sponsors Wilson's wacky comedy-improv group, The All-American Kumquats. The Department also sponsors an annual Writers Series, houses the campus radio station, and often sponsors field trips to lectures, theater, conferences, and other events. How has your work on the campus newspaper influenced you? Since joining the Billboard staff, I have found that my writing skills have improved. You do not know how challenging it truly is to right in present tense constantly and not use any past tense. Editing is a major portion of Billboard, and for me, this is wonderful. I hope to be an editor some day soon, and this has helped me to further my own skills as an editor. To this day I am still improving my writing and editing skills by working on the campus newspaper. -Mallory Sunderland, BA ‘14 Writing for The Billboard was my first experience ever writing for a newspaper. I had no idea what I needed to do, or that an article had to be formatted a certain way. Working there gave me a place where I could learn without judgment and become a writer. When I became one of the Editors-in-Chief my senior year, I took on a big challenge but I found something that again I loved to do. Things that seemed so small such as writing up a monthly story budget, editing articles or laying out pages in InDesign, became so important a year later. Also, I am still very proud of some of the pieces I wrote during my time in Billboard and I consider them great accomplishments that I still cite as some of my best writing. –Kayla Changon, BA '10 My time as Editor-in-chief of the Wilson Billboard not only enhanced my abilities as a creative writer, but also prepared me for the challenges I would face in the workforce. I learned how to collaborate with others of diverse background and skill, as well as the value of time management in the face of tight deadlines. My work with the Billboard helped me to realize my potential, and in turn I developed confidence and valuable leadership skills that will last a lifetime. –Kimberly Maske-Mertz, ’08, MA ’14, current Billboard co-advisor Strategic Communications Communications Faculty Course Requirements for Strategic Communications Student Media and Clubs Communications Department Awards Communications Careers in Communications See What Our Graduates Are Up To Students on the Communications Major Minor in Communications Assessment Plan for Communications Majors