Student Learning Goals History Goal #1: Acquisition and comprehension of content knowledge Students have a broad understanding of the significant developments in Western European and American History Goal #2: Attainment of skills: written communication, oral communication, research, critical thinking and analysis Students are able to write with clarity and precision in various forms and in a manner which reflects acquired knowledge Students are able to speak effectively in a discussion group and present their work to audiences, using technological innovation where appropriate Students are able to effectively utilize a variety of sources – primary and secondary—and show mastery of research techniques Utilizing these skills, students will be able to formulate and defend a thesis, consider conflicting evidence and interpretations, critically examine sources, analyze change over time, and apply evidence Goal #3: Obtain an awareness of and appreciation for diversity Students gain a knowledge of and appreciation for issues related to race, class, gender and ethnicity in historical ontext Students will learn from others who are different than themselves, thereby engaging in a robust exchange of ideas that works to broaden their perspectives, promote thinking skills, enhance leadership and personal skills, and promote democratic values History Course Requirements History and Political Science Student Learning Goals History Career Opportunities History History Faculty