Student Learning Goals for a Business Major AACSB Business Program Outcomes Evidence D 1 -Business Context (global, political, cultural, environmental, legal, regulatory) Able to identify external factors and the impact to decision making D 2- Ethics and social responsibility Able to analyze and respond to ethical and moral issues when applied to the workplace D 3- Personal leadership and effectiveness Demonstrates work prioritization and delivery of team and individual projects D 4- Statistical data analysis and management sciences supporting decision making Can apply mathematical models to solve problems and make recommendations D5 -Communication skills – written, interpersonal, presentation Same as ILG W1C and W2B Can organize thoughts and prepare reports and/or give oral presentations D 6- Economic principles both micro/macro Can articulate basic economic principles and perform analysis of the marketplace impact D 7- Accounting principles, analysis and reporting Can apply budgeting and financial tools to analyze business effectiveness. Able to report findings. D 8- Managing the value chain via integration of production and distribution of goods and services Able to identify a specific value chain in a workplace simulation and analyze the dynamics impacting decision making D 9- Group and individual dynamics in organizations and organizational change Can identify workplace human dynamics and make recommendations that drive effective change D 10- Human resources management and development Can design a progressive Human Resource system within legal guidelines. Demonstrates ability to conduct interviews, performance appraisals, and disciplinary meetings D 11- Finance theories and methods – reporting, analysis, and markets Given theories, able to analyze and recommend solutions that optimize business performance related to the market D 12- Strategic management & decision making in a cross-functional environment Through business simulation or case study, able to incorporate all business functions in decision making that optimizes the business outcome D 13- Internal controls and security Given control and security principles, able to construct systems that assure effective controls of a business D 14- Tax policy, strategy and compliance Able to articulate current tax policies and demonstrates application when given different business scenarios Business Management Course Requirements Business Major Student Learning Goals for a Business Major Business Management Faculty