Student Accomplishments Student Research Day Psychology students presented their senior theses on Student Research Day, May 3, 2019. Taylor Sanford (left) and Heather Schuler (right). Heather Schuler presenting findings from her Honor’s Thesis The Effects of FDA Mandated Restaurant Menu Labeling on the Etiology of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders Previous presenters included: Psychology students presented their senior theses on Student Research Day, April 27, 2018. From left to right: Abigail Selman, Justine Commero, and Aurora Ortiz. Heather Schuler presenting findings from her Collaborative Research with Dr. Steven Schmidt on “The Roles of Favorability, Believability, and Method of Evaluation on Online News Posts: A Comparison of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Supporters” Psychology students presented their senior theses on Student Research Day, April 28, 2017. From left to right: Jamie Burnett (Honors Thesis), Gina Rea, Alyssa Bianco, Michele Rogers, and Heather Jordan-Clapsaddle. Jamie Burnett presenting findings from her Honor’s Thesis Factors Influencing Middle School and High School Students’ Vocational Decision-Making Psychology students presented their senior theses on Student Research Day, April 29, 2016. From left to right: Charlotte Flood (Honors Thesis), Emily DeNoma, Asia McGee, John King, Samantha Chambers, Jordon Richardson, and Cassandra Schoenenberger Charlotte Flood presenting findings from her Honor’s Thesis Gender and Perceptions of Probation Officers On Student Research Day 2014, Cierra Mariano presented her senior thesis Language Proficiency and Family Factors Influence on Academic Performance and Victoria Whitbred presented her senior thesis Time Management Differences between Student-Athletes and Non-Athletes. Disert Scholar Morgan Shadle presented her Honors Thesis Effect of Autonomy, Relatedness, and Competence during Community Service on Prosociality. 2014 Disert Scholar, Morgan Shadle, presenting findings from her Honor's Thesis Effect of Autonomy, Relatedness, and Competence during Community Service on Prosociality Past Senior Thesis Titles Recent social science graduates demonstrated their understanding of the field through their senior theses. Below are some recent theses titles: 2013 Samantha Baker – Reading Comprehension While Multitasking on Facebook Brenda K. Wenklbauer – Incidence of Bullying: Same Gender vs. Mixed Gender 2012 Debra Tibbits – Trauma and Its Effects on Physical and Cognitive Resilience Marsha Decker – Contextual Influence as Evidence of an Interactive Model of Speed Perception 2011 Alexandra Thorpe – Tomboyism and Stereotype Threat Jennifer Tucker – Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Anxiety 2011 Destinee Hays – The Effects of Music on a Simple Multiplication Task Ashely Overdorff – Ego-Depletion Effects and Resource Beliefs on a Cognitive Task Jeanna Jamison-Yeager – The Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Distractibility on Cognitive Performance Tammy Clark – Treatment Seeking Barriers for African Americans: Racial Identity and Counselor Characteristics 2010 Serenity LaToya Franklin – Status, Physical Attractiveness and the Impact of Relationship Context on Female Mate Selection Nikola Grafnetterova – Leadership, Women, and Athletic Participation: Are Female Students Attending Women's Colleges Less Susceptible to Stereotype Threat Than Students from Coeducational Institutions. Psychology Psychology Course Requirements Student Accomplishments Career Opportunities Psychology Faculty Psychology - Integrative Neuroscience Course Requirements