Non-Degree Student Financial Information Payment All students will be billed for their courses. Payment or payment arrangements are expected to be completed by published due date or two weeks from the registration date, whichever is later. The Financial Aid Office will work with eligible students to assist in filing the FASFA to determine a financial aid award. The Business Office will assist in establishing a payment plan. Late Registration Students who register during this time period will be expected to make payment or payment arrangements within two weeks of registration. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for the appropriate registration form and procedures. All students must complete a late registration form (available only through the Registrar’s Office). This form must include the signatures of the student, adviser and instructor(s). Billing Schedule Please note that although students may register for multiple semesters, they will be billed for one semester at a time. If a student does not make the appropriate payment arrangements for the billed semester, she/he will be dropped from courses for that semester only. You may contact the Registrar’s Office at 717-262-2007 or email for the current billing schedule. Financial Administrative Drop Policy If a student registers for classes and does not fulfill her/his financial obligation by the last day of Open Registration, the student will be administratively dropped from her/his courses for that semester. The financial obligation is considered to be fulfilled if one of the following has occurred: The student has enough financial aid to cover the balance due. The student has enrolled in a payment plan that will cover the balance due. The student has paid her/his balance due in full. Students are encouraged to register early and to make payment arrangements by the payment due date for each semester. During the last week of Open Registration, students with a balance due will receive an e-mail from the Registrar’s Office notifying them that they will be administratively dropped if they fail to make appropriate payment arrangements for the upcoming semester. On the first day of Late Registration, any notified student who has not made payment arrangements will be administratively dropped from her/his classes. Any student that was administratively dropped will need to make payment arrangements prior to re-registering for classes through the Late Registration process. Students registering after the semester bill due date or during Late Registration, will have two weeks to make payment arrangements as described above. If payment arrangements are not made within the two week period, the student will be administratively dropped from all courses, and subject to charges as stated in the Withdrawal and Refund Policy. Click here to view the course schedule. Registrar Course Schedule Official Wilson College Electronic Transcripts Affiliations and Accreditations Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Non-Degree Students Non-Degree Financial Information Class Cancellation Relevant links ... Registrar Course Schedule Official Wilson College Electronic Transcripts Affiliations and Accreditations Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Non-Degree Students Non-Degree Financial Information Class Cancellation Contact InformationRegistrar Officep: 717-262-2007f: 717-262-2593registrar@wilson.eduJean HooverRegistrarjean.hoover@wilson.eduLinda BatzAssistant Registrarlinda.batz@wilson.eduCatherine ChaneyOnline Registration Specialistcatherine.chaney@wilson.eduDarlene CooverRecords and Registration Coordinatordarlene.coover@wilson.eduCraig SniderRecords and Registration Office HoursMonday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. LocationEdgar Hall, 1st Floor1015 Philadelphia Ave.Chambersburg, PA 17201