Common Hour Spring 2023: Wondrous Bodies: Gnosticism, Trans Spirituality, and the Intermediate Sex Monday, April 10, 2023 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Lenfest Learning Commons, John Stewart Memorial Library The theme for the Fall 2022/Spring 2023 Common Hour is Honorable Leadership. We are excited to share the schedule for the Spring 2022 Common Hour series. We will explore what that means by digging into a different issue each month, and engaging with speakers that bring diverse perspectives and experiences. April 10 - This is a combine Orr Forum event “Wondrous Bodies: Gnosticism, Trans Spirituality, and the Intermediate Sex” by C. Libby, Assistant Teaching Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Pennsylvania State University The Common Hour presentations are held at the noon hour on Mondays. Sessions will take place in the Learning Commons of the John Stewart Memorial Library, and all panels and speakers will be available on Zoom. Events