Completing the Master of Humanities Online While the Master's in Humanities Program the program offers a balance of in-person and online classes, you can complete your entire Master’s in Humanities degree online, should you so choose. For the program, you will be able to finish our most popular concentrations in English Language and Literature and Arts and Culture online. Other concentrations may be possible based on course availability. Plus, you always have the option of designing your own Master’s Degree, utilizing coursework not only from the Master’s in Humanities program but also through our partner programs on campus and on campuses all across the United States. Want to learn more? Email the program director, Dr. Michael Cornelius, to learn more about online classes and online options. Master of Humanities Completing the Master of Humanities Online Master of Arts in Humanities Mission Statement Admissions Criteria Master of Humanities Tuition and Costs Master of Humanities Faculty Master of Humanities Course List Graduate Assistantships Beyond the M.A. FAQ's Graduate Testimonials