FAQ's Q: I have a job and can’t attend classes during the day. Can I still complete the degree? A: Absolutely! Most courses in the M.A. in Humanities degree are offered in the evening or through online formats. Q: I want to complete the degree completely online. Is that possible? A: Yes, you can complete the degree online. You may not be able to do every concentration online, but the degree is available online. Q: I did not graduate with a 3.0 or higher—can I qualify for the degree in another way? A: Yes. While the College recommends a minimum 3.0 GPA for entrance into the MA, the degree also has a provisional status that allows a student to enroll in graduate classes in order to qualify for admission to the degree program. A student may be granted provisional status by the Program Director after a plan of action is developed which will assist the student to meet the entrance requirements of the program. If a student is granted provisional status, the student must first satisfactorily complete the educational plan approved by the program director with a GPA of 3.0 or higher before being officially admitted to the program. Q: I see a course listing in Spanish—but I’ve never studied those languages! A: Graduate course offerings in Spanish Humanities are offered in translation—meaning that they are open to any student who is matriculated in the graduate program. Prior knowledge of the language and culture are certainly helpful in these classes, but the texts will be studied in English, not the original language. Q: Okay, I want to attend full-time. How much is the rate of full-time graduate tuition at Wilson? A: Wilson does not have a full-time rate for graduate study. Students are charged per course, whether they take one, two, or three courses in any given semester. To learn what the current charge per course at Wilson College is, please consult the “Tuition and Costs” portion of this website. Q: Will I be assigned an adviser for my degree? A: Yes. All M.A. in Humanities students are advised by the Program Director. Q: The Spring semester is coming up—can I enroll then? Or do I have to wait until Fall? A: There is no need to wait for the Fall semester to enroll. Students may enroll in any semester graduate coursework is offered. However, all students are required to take HUM 510: Materials and Methods of Research in the Humanities during their first Fall semester. Q: What do I do with my M.A. in Humanities degree? A: This degree is designed to be quite versatile to meet individual students’ needs. Some students will move on to advanced degrees in selected fields, including the PhD and MFA. Other students will move into the workforce in a field that will appreciate the skills and knowledge obtained through the program. For more on where this degree may take you, see the “Beyond the M.A.” section in this packet. Q: What is the deadline for application? A: Wilson has a rolling admissions deadline—meaning that students can apply for the M.A. at any time during the year and begin work on the degree in the next available semester. Q: What financial aid is available for students in the M.A. in Humanities Program? A: Students in the M.A. in Humanities Program are eligible to apply for Wilson College Graduate Assistantships and/or federal student loans. For more information on applying for a Graduate Assistantship, please see the Tab marked “Graduate Assistantships” on the main M.A. in Humanities page. For more information on obtaining loans for graduate study, please contact the Wilson College Office of Financial Aid. Master of Humanities Completing the Master of Humanities Online Master of Arts in Humanities Mission Statement Admissions Criteria Master of Humanities Tuition and Costs Master of Humanities Faculty Master of Humanities Course List Graduate Assistantships Beyond the M.A. FAQ's Graduate Testimonials Current Students Michael Cornelius, PhD Program Director, M.A. Humanities (717)262-4841 mcornelius@wilson.edu