Interpretive Trail The Wilson College interpretive trail was founded in 2000 and began with a Growing Greener Grant ($24,000) from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The interpretive trail is a ¾ mile nature trail that runs through several distinct habitats. The trail begins along the Conococheague Creek, then winds its way through a meadow to a forested area. All along the way, trees are marked with informative signs, and walkers have the opportunity to view wildlife, birds, and numerous plant species. Students and community volunteers alike can experience land stewardship in action here. Best of all, the trail is a great place for quiet recreation on the edge of Chambersburg. Projects: Native Plant Rehabilitation: South-Central PA is home to many beautiful native plant species. Students and staff of the FCSS continually work to protect and rehabilitate native species in an effort to promote biodiversity on campus. Invasive Plant Control: Exotic invaders are unfortunately a big problem in the area. Aggressive species like Honeysuckle, Tree of Heaven, and Multi-flora Rose crowd out native species. FCSS staff have developed a program to control and remove the invasive plants in order to make room for native plants and trees. Trail Maintenance Projects: Keeping the path clear of fallen trees, managing the trail, and improving the footpath are all important to making the trail a pleasant place to walk and learn. VOLUNTEERS are welcomed and needed to help with plant projects and trail upkeep! Youth groups looking for a service project, scout troops, and other community members are encouraged to call Chris Mayer at the FCSS office to get involved at 717-264-4420. Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Student Learning Fulton Farm Apprentice and Summer Internships Fulton Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Market Share Program Sustainability at Wilson FCSS Events and Workshops Community Art at Fulton Farm Fulton Farm Interdisciplinary Courses and Partnerships Monarch Waystation Relevant links ... Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Student Learning Fulton Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Market Share Program Sustainability at Wilson FCSS Events and Workshops Community Art at Fulton Farm Fulton Farm Interdisciplinary Courses and Partnerships Monarch Waystation Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Subscribe To Our Newsletter Helpful Resources Factory Farm Forum Resources For the Community Environmental Club Contact Information Christine Mayer FCSS Director 717-264-4420 Tim Gacquin College Farmer