Academic Calendar and Events
2024-25 Academic Schedule
Spring: January 13 to May 2
Classes begin: January 13
Last day to add/drop: January 17
Spring Break: March 3 to 7
Last day to withdraw: March 24
Classes end: April 25
Finals week: April 28 to May 2
Commencement Weekend: May 3 to 4
Academic Events
ArtsFest - a three-day event, spotlighting the remarkable art, artists, and artistic opportunities at Wilson.
Brain Awareness Week - Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science.
Bogigian Gallery Exhibits - located in Lortz Hall and open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Creative Writing Colloquium - an opportunity for budding writers to take lessons on writing technique, ask questions about the publishing process, and rub elbows with published authors.
Commencement - the ceremony of conferring degrees at the end of the academic year.
Common Hour - dedicated to fostering inquiry and conversation across the campus community about pressing issues and big questions.
Convocation - bringing together the Wilson community – students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends – to celebrate the new academic year.
Cooley Gallery Exhibits - located on the second floor of the John Stewart Memorial Library and open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and 1 to 11 p.m. Sunday.
Humanities Conference - an exploration of different topics by the various fields represented by the Humanities.
Hustle for Health - 5K and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk in which proceeds support Wilson College service-learning experience trips to the Dominican Republic to provide healthcare assistance in local hospitals and refugee camps.
Orchesis - the Wilson College Dance Ensemble
Orientation - there is summer orientation to get ready for the fall semester and a welcome week of orientation from move-in day to the first day of class.
Orr Forum - an academic event featuring topics on the wide and shifting interests in religion studies in America.
Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (PAS) - a forum for professional dialogue among junior and senior scientists at all academic levels.
Student Research Day and Academic Awards Ceremony - as a way to recognize and celebrate the research, scholarship and creative activities of students through scholarly research or creative projects followed by a ceremony of college awards based on exemplary and outstanding academic merit and achievement.
Writers Series Events - sponsored poets, novelists, prose writers, or creative non-fiction authors visit campus and present readings of their latest works.
- Undergraduate Programs
- Online Undergraduate Programs
- Graduate Degree Programs
- Online Graduate Programs
- Teacher Certification
- Pre-Professional Programs
- Academic Calendar and Events
- Academic Support Center
- Study Abroad
- Internships
- Advanced Placement
- Learning Opportunities
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Library
- Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies
- Hankey Center and Archives
- Equestrian Center
- Registrar
- Course Catalog