Convocation Convocation brings together the Wilson community – first-year and transfer students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends – to celebrate the new academic year.The 2024 Convocation will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, August 23, in the Alumnae Chapel. Alexandra Toms, Assistant Professor of Psychology, will be speaking on “The Power of the Wilson Community”. The ceremony will conclude with all new Wilson members signing the Honor Principle.A live-stream of the ceremony will be available at, from the Latin convocare, can be translated as a "calling together", and defined as a "ceremonial assembly of members of a college or university".Wilson College has a long-standing tradition of calling together her members each year, at the beginning of the fall semester. Held in the Alumnae Chapel, Thomson Hall, faculty, students, staff and administrators are all called to participate in this important academic event.