Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education The Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education is designed to prepare students to work as highly qualified individuals, as designated by No Child Left Behind, in educational settings. The program is designed so that the majority of courses completed are transferable toward the Baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education, including teacher certification, at Wilson College or another college. The following requirements must be fulfilled for admission into this program: Make an appointment with one of the Admissions counselors to discuss the program and application process. Completion of Foundation Math and English requirements. Students who wish to continue after obtaining this Associate degree and pursue a four-year degree in Early Childhood, Middle Level, Secondary or PK-12 Education should be aware that the Pennsylvania Department of Education requires a cumulative GPA of 3.0; this GPA requirement also applies to all Education courses. Education Programs Education Areas of Study Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education State Testing & Certification Required Pre-Service Field Experience Education Program Goals Early Childhood Education AA Course Requirements Required Clearances Early Childhood Education AA Education FacultyFuture of EducationRequired Clearances