Upon enrolling in the teacher education curriculum, a student begins a program of field experiences designed to integrate theory and practice. The first component, executed through education course requirements, is a sequence of structured classroom observations in local schools. Clearances are required for observations. The second component is a supervised full-time, 150-hour pre-practicum in a local school. Typically, the pre-practicum is completed one day per week over fifteen weeks during the spring semester of the junior year or the fall semester of the senior year. Students must plan for transportation to and from the practicum site. The culminating component is a full-time, off-campus, semester-long Student Teaching Practicum, which occurs in the senior year. This clinical experience approximates an actual teaching position and provides a thorough test of professional readiness for classroom teaching. All education courses should be completed prior to the Student Teaching Practicum. The practicum and attendant seminar constitute a full load. Students may not schedule additional courses during this semester. Placements are made within the Wilson College service area (approximately an 80 mile radius for the College) and are supervised by Wilson faculty. Students must plan for transportation to and from the practicum site. Education Programs Education Areas of Study Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education State Testing & Certification Required Pre-Service Field Experience Education Program Goals Education FacultyFuture of EducationRequired Clearances