Student Learning Goals Veterinary Nursing Departmental Goal #1: To support the Institutional Learning Goal (ILG) W6, a and b Students will achieve a depth of knowledge in all areas of veterinary medicine (anatomy, physiology, disease, nutrition, parasitology, clinical pathology, pharmacology, and the surgical and anesthetic arena) as it pertains to the veterinary medical technology field Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): Depth and breath of knowledge are evidenced by the student’s ability to: demonstrate proficiency in the Veterinary Medical Technology field through required coursework including her/his internship. adequately perform essential tasks and techniques as required by the American Veterinary Medical Association for a credentialed veterinary medical technologist. Departmental Goal #2: To support the ILG W7, a and b Students will integrate learning in the major and across the Wilson College Liberal Arts curriculum to deepen engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring SLO: Integration of skills and knowledge is demonstrated by the student’s ability to: connect learning from multiple courses in the major and in other course pertinent to the major in order to provide complete veterinary and surgical nursing care to all patients connect learning inside and outside of the classroom to provide the best possible care to veterinary patients in all aspects of the veterinary medical field Departmental Goal #3: To support the ILG W4, c Students will and analyze ethical issues in their own lives and as they pertain to question that arise with their major. SLO: Ethical awareness is demonstrated by the student’s ability to develop strong work ethics and professionalism work cooperatively and responsibly within a group by modeling appropriate behaviors in an occupational and laboratory setting Departmental Goal #4: To support ILG W2, c Students will analyze, synthesize, and interpret texts, images, experiences, or other information. SLO: Critical and/or creative thinking skills are evidenced by the student’s ability to gather and analyze data collected in a clinical setting for veterinary diagnostic purposes. Departmental Goal #5: Supports ILG W1, a, b, and c Students will write and speak well in different contexts. SLO: Communication skills are demonstrated by the student’s ability to: utilize the writing process to deepen learning write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences deliver effective oral presentations Vetinary Technichian National Exam Analytics Data Veterinary Nursing Course Requirements Veterinary Nursing Student Learning Goals Veterinary Nursing Concentration in Equi-Assist Veterinary Nursing Faculty Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) Scores AVMA Rabies Statement Veterinary Nursing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement Veterinary Assistant Partner Schools Dauphin County Technical School Franklin County Career & Technology Center Veterinary Assisting Program Fulton County Center and Career and Technology Veterinary Assistant Program Park Way West Career and Technology Center Wilson Partners with Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine