The Environmental Club The Wilson College EnvironMentalists The Environmental Club, "The EnvironMentalists", works to promote an increased awareness and understanding of environmental issues as they relate to the role of the individual. The purpose of the club is to create awareness on environmental issues such as conservation, preservation, and restoration with emphasis on educating the Wilson community. Any member of the Wilson community who is interested is encouraged to join. The Environmental Club has gone on day trips to such places as the Leed Certified Volvo Plant, Bp Solar, the Mother Earth Harvest Fest and the Fairy Fest at Spoutwood Farm. The club hosts an annual camp-out and assists with workshops in areas such as alternative fuels and soap making. Stream clean-up is also done as well as work with alternative energies. Environmental Club Constitution (28KB) Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies Environmental Science The Environmental Club Environmental Science Course Requirements Environmental Science Student Learning Goals Environmental Science Faculty