Application Procedures M.Ed. Please submit the following materials: Application/Essays: Submit online Resume Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate colleges and universities attended must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions Copy of teaching certificate Two letters of recommendation, specifically for entry into the Wilson College M.Ed., MET, ITS Certificate Only, MSE or MMCL Program, from educators or employers. One letter should be from applicant's current principal or supervisor Non-degree students may enroll in any M.Ed, MSE, MET or MMCL course for which they have the necessary prerequisites with the approval of the Director of Graduate Education Programs. A degree seeking student must be formally admitted to their Graduate Education Program by the end of their first semester. Apply now Tuition and Fees Application Procedures Entrance Requirements Graduation Requirements Course Listing Relevant links ... Tuition and Fees Application Procedures Entrance Requirements Graduation Requirements Course Listing