News published by the Office of Marketing and Comunications

Wilson College Opens Chorale to Community Singers

Relaunched choir revives campus music tradition with emphasis on inclusion.

Music at Wilson College invites the community to join students, faculty, and staff in the Cumberland Valley Chorale at Wilson College for its 2023-24 season.  

Rehearsals take place on Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Alumnae Chapel in Thomson Hall, Wilson College, beginning September 10. All voice parts are welcome, and no audition is required.  

Wilson Has New Board of Trustees Chair

Jen Nickle Banzhof ’94 assumed the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Wilson College on July 1, replacing retiring Chair Barbara Tenney ’67, M.D. “Jen Banzhof is an alumna, the mother of an alumna, and has served on the Board of Trustees for nine years,” said Tenney, who has served on the Board for 21 years in total, including two stints as Chair. “She has come back on the Board as Chair, and I know she will do an outstanding job.”

TCP student spotlight: Rachel Wilson

I graduated in 2017 with degrees in both Film and Spanish. Right away, I started working in entertainment. I moved to Los Angeles in 2018 and ended up falling into reality television when I landed a job working for Survivor. After some time working in the office, I had the incredible opportunity to work on location in Fiji for four seasons! It was beautiful and despite the occasional long days, it sometimes felt like a vacation! 

Making Memories at Reunion 2023

* Recent grad, Victor Ortiz '23 who is finishing up his time at Wilson with a class in social media and web writing, shares his perspective on Reunion 2023.

As a student who goes home after the last day of class, I never heard of Reunion before. This year I attended Reunion to cover the event for social media as part of my ENG 309 practicum class. It's my first year as an alum, so I had no expectations of the event.