Wilson College announced the 2024-25 schedule for its Common Hour lecture series dedicated to fostering inquiry and conversation across the campus community. The Common Hour event series is open to the public and will be held throughout the academic year.This year, the fall Common Hour sessions will coincide with plenary sessions of Wilson’s first-year seminar course (FYS). These events will provide an added opportunity for FYS faculty and the College’s annual Orr Forum scholar to present their research to the FYS seminar students while also sharing with the broader community. One hallmark of Wilson’s FYS course is the students’ “WISER projects” that allow for research and exploration of ideas of great personal interest. Each student completes a WISER project, which culminates in an oral presentation on their topic. The WISER faculty presentations during Common Hour will help model both the end-product of FYS and the passion and dedication to research and learning that is so integral to Wilson. In Spring 2025, Common Hour will return to its roots, focusing on faculty research presentations in more intimate settings, allowing for plenty of time for questions, conversation, and consideration. The College’s annual ArtsFest celebration will incorporate an arts-related Common Hour presentation in April.For more information, visit https://www.wilson.edu/common-hour. Image Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201