Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Students who receive federal or institutional financial aid must be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) towards completion of their academic program. The Higher Education Act of 1965 (34 CFR 668.16(e)), as amended, requires Wilson College to establish a policy with reasonable qualitative and quantitative standards that students must meet to be eligible for financial aid. All students receiving financial aid will have SAP evaluated annually. Institutional aid includes all need-based Wilson aid, work-study and tuition remission/exchange. Students with merit scholarships or State Grants have different progress requirements that must be met for renewal of those awards. Qualitative Standards SAP is evaluated at the end of each semester for continuing students. Students must earn the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) as required by the College’s Academic Probation Policy. Some merit scholarships require a higher GPA. Program Credits Attempted Minimum GPA Associate 0 - 11.99 0 12 - 26.99 1.70 27 - 44.99 1.85 45 and above 2.00 Bachelor 0 - 11.99 0 12 - 26.99 1.70 27 - 59.99 1.80 60 - 89.99 1.90 90 and above 2.00 Teacher Intern Program 3.00 Master’s 3.00 Students who are provisionally admitted into the Adult Degree Program must meet the academic standards set forth in their admission letter. Quantitative Standards Students must also successfully complete at least 75% of all the courses that are attempted. All courses that are part of the student’s record after the drop/add period will be considered as being attempted credits. Grades of “W”, “F” and “NCR” are credits attempted, but are not considered successful completions; a grade of “IN” will be excluded from the credits attempted. Repeated courses will impact the GPA and credits attempted, but not necessarily the credits earned. Audited courses do not count as credits attempted. All TIP and Master’s degree students must pass at least 80% of the credit hours attempted. Transfer students Transfer students will be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress at the time of admission. The credits accepted towards a Wilson degree will count towards the total hours attempted and earned. Any credits that the student earns while enrolled in high school will not impact the credit limits. Only the Wilson College GPA will be considered for SAP. Maximum Length of Study Students may receive aid up to 150% of the published timeframe for an undergraduate degree. Students enrolled in an associate degree program which requires 60 credits and 4 semesters (if full-time) would be limited to 75 credits and the equivalent of 6 full-time semesters. Students enrolled in bachelor's degree programs which require 120 credits for graduation and eight full-time semesters would be limited to 180 credits and twelve full-time semesters. Part-time students would have an equivalent limit. Students who first receive federal aid after July 1, 2009 will not be able to appeal the maximum time frame per federal law. Students enrolled in the TIP or master’s programs may receive aid for a maximum of six fulltime semesters or the equivalent part-time. Aid Suspension, Probation, Warning and Appeal Process Students who do not meet the qualitative and quantitative standards at the end of their first semester or prior to their first receipt of financial aid at Wilson College will be notified by the Financial Aid Office that they are not making satisfactory academic progress for federal and most institutional aid programs. The receipt of future institutional and federal financial aid will be suspended. Students who do not meet either the qualitative or quantitative standard at the end of the fall, spring or summer semesters will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for one semester. Students will be eligible to have their aid continued if they are able to successfully complete at least 75% of their credits attempted and earn a minimum GPA according to the chart above. Students who are not able to maintain this requirement will have their aid eligibility suspended. Students who have had their aid suspended have the right of appeal to the Academic Procedures Committee of the College. Students should complete the appeal form and submit a letter to the Financial Aid Office with an explanation of any extenuating circumstances that prevented successful completion of courses. Supporting documentation is also helpful for the committee’s consideration. Students should also explain what steps, if any, need to be made to assure future academic success. The committee will make a decision about the aid eligibility and the Dean of Financial Aid, or designee, will send a letter to the student of the outcome of the appeal. The Committee may reinstate aid eligibility for one semester for those students who do not meet the standards for satisfactory academic progress. The student will be on financial aid probation and must successfully follow the academic plan that is outlined by the committee. Should the committee deny the appeal, the student is not eligible for any further financial aid from Wilson College until such time that the student becomes compliant with the SAP Policy. Neither paying for classes nor sitting out a semester will automatically reinstate a student’s financial aid eligibility. Financial Aid Financial Aid Award Process Types and Sources of Aid Policies and Procedures Rights and Responsibilities Code of Conduct Relevant links ... Financial Aid Financial Aid Award Process Types and Sources of Aid Policies and Procedures Rights and Responsibilities Code of Conduct Glossary of Terms FAQ's Relevant links ... Glossary of Terms FAQ's