Wilson College to Host 2024 Creative Writing Colloquium Aspiring and established writers who are interested in creative writing are invited to the Wilson College 2024 Creative Writing Colloquium Saturday, February 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Brooks Science Center auditorium at Wilson College. This annual event, hosted by the English and Master’s in Humanities programs, welcomes writers to a day of immersive learning, insightful discussions, and inspiring connections. Image Published authors will lead engaging workshops, diving into the secrets of crafting compelling characters, building captivating worlds, and mastering the art of storytelling. It is an opportunity to hone your craft, demystify the publishing process, and network with other passionate writers.The colloquium, which includes lunch, is free, but registration is required by February 3 at https://www.wilson.edu/CWC-registration. Check-in begins at 8:15 a.m. More information is available at https://www.wilson.edu/CWCQuestions? Contact colloquium director Matthew McBride at matthew.mcbride@wilson.eduWorkshops at the Colloquium include:Gumshoes, and Damsels and Dragons, Oh My!: Genre Elements in Writingpresented by Alicia DrumgooleDrumgoole is an Assistant Professor of English at Hagerstown Community College. She has published poetry, fiction and non-fiction in local and regional publications. Her first novel, “Premonition,” was released in 2015 by Ellysian Press and is available on Amazon.comLineationpresented by Matthew McBrideAn award-winning poet, McBride is the author of one full-length poetry collection, “City of Incandescent Light,” published by Black Lawrence Press in 2018, and four chapbooks. His most recent, “Prerecorded Weather,” co-written with Noah Falck, won the 2022 James Tate Prize and is available at SuVision Books. Currently, he is an assistant professor of interdisciplinary practice at Wilson College.Newsletters: A Love Letter for Your Audienceled by Jeffrey Bardwell Jeffrey Bardwell writes epic fantasy with elements of darkness, steampunk, and romance set in the Metal vs. Magic Universe. His character-driven books are guaranteed to include gritty realism, political intrigue, lurid entanglements, dry wit, and dragons in differing proportions. Bardwell is an assistant professor of Biology at Wilson College.The keynote address will be presented by Nicole Santalucia.Nicole Santalucia is the author of “The Book of Dirt” (NYQ Books, 2020), “Spoiled Meat” (Headmistress Press, 2019), and “Because I Did Not Die” (Bordighera Press, 2015). She is a recipient of the Charlotte Mew Chapbook Prize, the Edna St. Vincent Millay Poetry Prize, and the Arkana Literary Review Editor’s Choice Award.An Author’s Q&A session will also be held at the end of the day. Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201