Monday, September 25, 2017 - 8 am Lenfest Learning Commons, John Stewart Memorial Library Social media, interactive video conferencing and the accessibility of sacred literatures online represent exciting growth opportunities for religious communities. At the same time, these new technologies challenge many of the fundamental assumptions we have about religion, authority and authenticity. What does it mean to "belong" to a religious community in the 21st century? Are technologies of connectedness replacing traditional religious communities? Or, does our 24/7 connected lifestyle ironically cause human beings to feel more isolated--and more anxious than ever before? Andrea Lieber, Ph.D. Professor of Religion, Dickinson College Dr. Lieber holds the Sophia Ava Asbell Chair in Judaic studies. She is the author of The Essential Guide to Jewish Prayer and Practices (Penguin/Alpha Books, 2012). Her recent scholarship focuses on the intersection of religion, gender & technology. Undergraduate Academics Adult Degree Program Alumnae/i Campus Events Graduate Religious Life