Doctor of Occupational Therapy Courses OTD Program Required Courses and SequenceSemester/TermCourseCourse TitleCredit YEAR 1 1.1OTD 600Foundations in OT Practice31.1OTD 602Functional Anatomy3.51.1OTD 603Human Development and Occupation Across the Lifespan21.1OTD 604Research I: Foundations to Scholarly Review2 Total term credits10.51.2OTD 610OT Interventions I: Psychosocial and Community Practice41.2OTD 611Fieldwork Seminar 1A: Psychosocial and Community Practice11.2OTD 615Wellness and Health Promotion2.51.2OTD 617Theories and Models of Practice I: Concepts2.5 Total term credits102.1OTD 622Neurological Foundations32.1OTD 624Research II: Methods, Design, and Analysis22.1OTD 625Kinesiology and Occupational Performance32.1OTD 629Professional Development: Scope of Practice2 Total term credits102.2OTD 630OT Interventions II: Physical Disabilities42.2OTD 631Fieldwork Seminar 1B: Physical Disabilities12.2OTD 635Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation2.52.2OTD 637Theories and Models of Practice II: Applications2.5 Total term credits103.1OTD 640OT Interventions III: Children and Youth43.1OTD 641Fieldwork Seminar 1C: Children and Youth13.1OTD 642Neurorehabilitation2.53.1OTD 648Instructional Strategies and Development2 Total term credits9.53.2OTD 653Technological Interventions in OT33.2OTD 655Orthotic Fabrication and Physical Agent Modalities33.2OTD 658Case Management in Client Care23.2OTD 659Professional Leadership and Advocacy2 Total term credits10 Year 2 4OTD 671Level II Fieldwork A124OTD 672Doctoral Mentorship I2 Total term credits145OTD 681Level II Fieldwork B125OTD 682Doctoral Mentorship II35OTD 682Professional Competencies1 Total term credits166OTD 691Doctoral Capstone Project & Experience15 Total term credits15 Total Curriculum Credits105Withdrawal From the OTD Program The process for withdrawal from the OTD program is listed in the Wilson College Course catalog and can be found here under Withdrawal from the College. Depending on the timing of the student’s withdrawal a refund of tuition monies paid may be due to the student. The Wilson College Business Office Refund Policies can be found in the WC Blue Book and here in the Wilson College Course Catalog. Doctor of Occupational Therapy Request Information on Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program Doctor of Occupational Therapy Faculty Doctor of Occupational Therapy Courses Doctor of Occupational Therapy Admission Requirements Doctor of Occupational Therapy Accreditation Doctor of Occupational Therapy Tuition and Financial Aid Doctor of Occupational Therapy Technical Standards Doctor of Occupational Therapy Graduation Requirements ApplyRequest info