Bias Reporting Form Wilson College, through its Honor Principle and Values, is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment. Students, faculty, and staff play an essential role in ensuring our campus is free of bias, harassment, intimidation, and hate. If you have been the target of a bias incident (or have witnessed a bias incident) please report it using the form below. What is your affiliation with Wilson College? -Select-StudentFacultyStaffAlumGuest/VisitorCommunity Member Date of the incident Time of the incident Location of incident What was the exact or general location of the incident? If you do not know the exact location, please describe the surrounding buildings or area. What was your association with the incident? -Select-VictimWitnessI heard it from someone else Description of the incident Please tell us everything else you know or can recall about this incident and how this occurred. If you feel comfortable, please include information about who was involved. Please provide as much information as you can. If you don’t know names of those involved, providing descriptive information is helpful. Do you have supporting documents to upload? Yes No Please tell us everything else you know or can recall about this incident and how this occurred. If you feel comfortable, please include information about who was involved. Please provide as much information as you can. If you don’t know names of those involved, providing descriptive information is helpful. Upload audio file Upload One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: mp3, ogg, wav. Upload document Upload One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. Upload image Upload One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Upload video Upload One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm. Have you reported this incident to anyone? Yes No Who did you report to? What was the response? Are you satisfied with the response? Yes No Would you like someone to contact you? (If Yes, please enter your contact info below)* Yes No Name Email address Submit Leave this field blank