Wilson 2020-21 Disert Scholar Nicholas Beitzell. Beitzell also won the Regina Shaputnic Cuomo Mathematics Award.Wilson College honored students and faculty members at its annual Academic Awards ceremony held remotely on Friday, May 1, due to social distancing measures in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. Wilson President Wesley R. Fugate, Cabinet members and faculty presented awards to students during a remote ceremony using Zoom, a videoconferencing tool that allows attendees to see each other via their computer webcams. The following students and faculty received awards: Brenda Ashton Aiken and Robert McCutcheon Aiken Study-Abroad Scholarship, which is awarded to a full-time fine arts student to supplement travel, living and education expenses for study abroad in Italy, was given to Katelyn Pustizzi. Edward and Sarah Anderson Psychology Prize, which is given to a graduating senior for outstanding scholarship in the discipline of psychology, was awarded to Samantha Simmons. James Applegate Award, which is awarded to a student with an interest in drama and theater, went to two students: Evan Hoke and Olivia Shirk. The C. Elizabeth Boyd ’33 Award, which is given to a senior member of Orchesis for outstanding performance and choreographic contributions to the group and in recognition of artistic development, went to Samantha Heckendorn. Pratikshya Gaihre, winner of several awards: Catherine Herr Langdon Award, Gloria Randle Scott-Frances Richards Hesselbein Prize and William Van Looy Business Prize.Lucy Bremmer Global Citizenship Award, awarded to a student who participates in the service learning component of Wilson’s global citizenship initiative and provides assistance with expenses and travel to another country, was given to Hannah Hartman. CRC Press General Chemistry Award, given for outstanding achievement in general chemistry, was awarded to Jacob Slifka. Marel Harlow Cheng Memorial Prize, awarded to a student who has done well in international studies or has made some noticeable contributions to international understanding, went to Ethan Kron. Class of 1957 Civic Engagement Award, given to a student who exemplifies civic engagement at Wilson College through involvement in volunteer roles on and off campus, was awarded to Ethan Kron. Regina Shaputnic Cuomo Mathematics Award, given to a student or students who exhibit outstanding ability and are pursuing a major in mathematics, was awarded to Nicholas Beitzell. Margaret Criswell Disert Honors Scholarship, given to a rising senior who has, in the judgment of the selection committee, submitted the proposal for senior advanced study and research considered most worthy of support, was awarded to Nicholas Beitzell. Estep-Lawson Memorial Prize, awarded to a student in lower-level French course who demonstrates excellence and shows future promise in French studies, went to Nesta Powell-Starcher. Mildred Franklin Prize, given to a senior for excellence in Latin or Greek and who has shown an understanding of the literature and thought of ancient civilizations, was awarded to Katelyn Ritenour. Donna Gomer VMT ADP Award for an adult degree student displaying excellence in the study of veterinary medical technology went to Christine Wasylyk. Ethan Kron won a number of awards, including the Marel Harlow Cheng Memorial Prize, Class of 1957 Civic Engagement Award, Dorle Haas Memorial Prize and Carolyn Zeleny Prize.Davison Greenawalt Grove Award, which is given to a member of the junior or senior class participating in research in physical and life sciences, was awarded to Rianon McKee. Richard C. Grove Award in Business and Economics, which goes to a student who has demonstrated outstanding ability and distinguished themselves academically in accounting, business administration, financial mathematics or economics, was awarded to Hang Ngo. Dorle Haas Memorial Prize, awarded to a senior for outstanding service within the greater Chambersburg area, was given to Ethan Kron. Margaret Strode Haines Award, which recognizes a student with outstanding qualities of scholarship, interest in the humanities and strength of body, mind and spirit, was given to Rachel Stoner. Gloria Randle Scott-Frances Richards Hesselbein Prize, awarded to the senior who has demonstrated outstanding volunteer service during their four years at Wilson College, was given to Pratikshya Gaihre. Joanne Harrison Hopkins Literary Achievement Award, given for the finest piece of imaginative literature in fiction, poetry or drama produced during the academic year, went to Moriah Story. Lt. Col. William A. Knaus Award for Veteran’s Service, which is awarded in memory of Lt. Col. William A. Knaus−father of former Wilson College President Barbara K. Mistick−to the veteran in the senior class with the highest academic achievement, went to Monica Grigsby. Josef Michael Kellinger German or Foreign Language Award for a student who has demonstrated excellence in German or foreign language studies was given to Sara Ball. Catherine Herr Langdon Award is, by vote of the women students with the approval of the Dean of Students and the President of the College, bestowed upon a senior or seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence and who have fully, unselfishly and willingly given comfort, compassion, encouragement, guidance, help and understanding to fellow students during the year and was awarded to Pratikshya Gaihre. Rachel Stoner received the Margaret Strode Haines Award and the Wilson Equestrian Award.Mary-Eleanor Maule Travel Grant, awarded to graduating seniors or students entering their junior or senior years for travel planned in support of study in Spanish, was given to Marianna Davidova. Alta Lindsay McElwain Prize, awarded to the best student in Latin or Greek in the freshman class, went to Megan Van Scoyoc. Robert Shannon McElwain Prize, awarded to the best student in mathematics, went to Serena Packwood. Helen Adams Nutting History Prize, presented to the member of the junior or senior class who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the field of history, was given to Joy Merchant. Organic Chemistry Award, given to the student in organic chemistry who earned the highest grades for the year, went to two students: Megan Wingert. Outstanding Peer Teacher Award, given to honor exemplary service as a First-Year Seminar peer teacher for the year, went to Emily Frye. Nicky Hoffman Reich Award, given to the student whose work with animals shows commitment to humane treatment, was awarded to Rianon McKee. Helga Rist Prize, which is given to a dedicated, successful, American Wilson College foreign language student who has demonstrated integrity, promise and potential, was awarded to Caylin Walp. John D. Rose Award in Environmental Studies, given to an outstanding junior majoring in environmental studies or biology to fund a summer research project or internship, went to Cheyenne Yoder. William and Ivy Saylor Prize, established through the Academy of American Poets to support young poets at colleges nationwide, was awarded to Kristyn Covert. Mary Beers Sheppard Prize, awarded to the member of the senior class who has shown the keenest understanding and appreciation of literature, was given to Joy Merchant. Joan M. Thuebel ’52 Earthwatch Prize, which sponsors a Wilson student or faculty member to participate in an Earthwatch Institute project of his or her choosing, was awarded to Abigail Maley. William P. Van Looy Business Prize, awarded to the junior or senior business and economics major who has demonstrated excellence in business studies and in service to the well-being of both the Wilson College community and larger community, went to Pratikshya Gaihre. E. Grace White Prize, which is awarded to a senior whose major field is biology or biochemistry, and who has demonstrated outstanding achievement and plans a career involving the biological sciences, was given to Abbey Heinbaugh. E. Grace White Summer Scholarship, which is awarded to outstanding juniors in biology for use at approved laboratories, was awarded to two students: Taylor Baker and John Sollenberger. Wilson College Education Award, awarded to two certification students who have shown outstanding achievement in both their academic studies and in their professional preparation, was awarded to Verna Munch and Megan Potter. Wilson Equestrian Award, which goes to a graduating senior who has excelled in academics and equitation, went to Rachel Stoner.. The Wilson College Fine Arts Prize, awarded to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in both art history and studio art, went to Samantha Heckendorn. Wilson College Nursing Department Award, which is awarded to a student who has demonstrated continuous support of the nursing department through hard work and efforts that echo the department’s philosophy, was given to two students: Rachel Disilvestri and Elsa Schaefer. Wilson College Nursing Clinical Leadership Award, given annually to a student who demonstrates outstanding overall ability to excel in his or her clinical work within the nursing program, went to Sarah Gipe. Wilson College Nursing Leadership Award, presented to a student who has demonstrated nursing leadership abilities both outside and inside the classroom, was awarded to Sarah Byers. Wilson College Scholar-Athletes, those who have maintained a grade-point average of 3.4 or higher and participated in at least one Wilson varsity athletic team, are: Jasmine Bankert, Ashlee Bourquin, Meghan Bradley, Jennifer Cail, Jenna Carty, Joseph Cofer, Xavier Dowtin, Kevin Finn, Joshua Harvey, Tia Jones, Elijah Klopp, Tioleaoauli Posiulai, Megan Potter, Katelyn Roth, Alison Shockey, Zachary Sutherland and Juliann Winkler. Carolyn Zeleny Prize, which goes to a sociology student in the junior or senior class on the basis of academic excellence and/or community service, was awarded to Ethan Kron. Several faculty members were honored during the awards ceremony, including the following faulty who received the Donald F. Bletz Award for Excellence in Teaching: senior faculty award, Deborah Austin, professor of chemistry; junior faculty award, Tonia Hess-Kling, assistant professor of exercise and sport science; and adjunct faculty award, Elisabeth Turchi, choir director. In addition to those given Wilson academic awards, the following students were recognized during the ceremony: Kayla Enck, who was named this year’s Newman Civic Fellow; and Taylor Baker and Bridgit Lujan, who received academic research grants.. Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201