Career Development for Alumni Alumni Career Development Information Resume Assistance Resume writing guide Resume guide for teachers Job Search Job Search Sites Glassdoor - job search strategies for students and entry level Velvet Jobs - Must use your to create an account Career Builder College Grad Simply Hired Indeed Monster Trak PA Career Link After College Bright College Recruiter USA Jobs Students The Muse - Find everything you need to succeed from dream jobs to career advice Career Exploration O*Net Career Project Occupational Outlook Handbook Careers in Public Service International World of International High Potentials Go Abroad Government USA Jobs Americorps PeaceCorps Non-profit Learn How to Become Non-Profit Career Graduate School Preparation Consumer Affairs GRE Prep and testing Grad Schools Graduate Guide Job postings by Major Equistaff Yard & Groom Psychology Jobs Environmental Jobs American Historical Society Once you graduate, the Wilson College Career Development Center is still here to help with your career. We can assist you with creating an effective resume and with your job search. Stop by the office today or visit to schedule a session. The Career Development Center posts jobs through Handshake to assist students with their job search. However, a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any employer by the college, or any relationship between the employer and Wilson College. The college makes no express or implied representations, warranties or guarantees about job listings or the accuracy of the information provided by the employer. Wilson College has no control over any links embedded in a job posting and is therefore not responsible for the accuracy, legality or any other aspect of the content of a link(s). The college is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus employment without limitation. Whether a student pursues an employment opportunity through Handshake or any other forum, such student is responsible for performing due diligence in researching employers when applying for or accepting employment and for thoroughly researching the facts and reputation of each organization to which they are applying. Students should be prudent and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position. For your privacy and protection when applying to a job online, it is advisable that you do not give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. All concerns and issues related to job and/or internship opportunities on Wilson College’s job/internship-posting boards should be addressed promptly via email. Please or with questions or concerns. Career Development Students Alumni Employers Relevant links ... Career Development Students Alumni Employers Linda A. Boeckman Director of Career Development Phone: 717-262-2616
Job Search Sites Glassdoor - job search strategies for students and entry level Velvet Jobs - Must use your to create an account Career Builder College Grad Simply Hired Indeed Monster Trak PA Career Link After College Bright College Recruiter USA Jobs Students The Muse - Find everything you need to succeed from dream jobs to career advice Career Exploration O*Net Career Project Occupational Outlook Handbook Careers in Public Service International World of International High Potentials Go Abroad Government USA Jobs Americorps PeaceCorps Non-profit Learn How to Become Non-Profit Career Graduate School Preparation Consumer Affairs GRE Prep and testing Grad Schools Graduate Guide Job postings by Major Equistaff Yard & Groom Psychology Jobs Environmental Jobs American Historical Society