Chapel Chapel Service Our services include Wilson faculty, staff, and students, and are ecumenically Christian in nature. Some services are traditional sermon services, with the chaplain, faculty, or students preaching. Other services may include liturgical dance, communion, the choir, poetry, student led worship, gospel music or the music of Taize. Everybody is welcome. The atmosphere is casual, and the community is diverse. Special Services Throughout the academic year, special liturgical and college days are celebrated. Student Led Worship is held once a month and is a contemporary worship service hosted by members of Agape Christian Fellowship. It is, as the name suggests, organized and led by Wilson students. Homecoming and parents weekend, usually in early October, is celebrated with a special Sunday morning service. Often an alumnae choir will join with members of the college choir. Thanksgiving Vespers, held on the last Wednesday of classes prior to Thanksgiving vacation. Members of many different world religions join together to share in one thing we have in common--the call to give thanks. Special choir music, and the presence of our organist make this a memorable service. Christmas Vespers, held on the first or second Sunday in December, is a long standing college tradition. This service of lessons and carols features the college choir and members of the college community as readers. A special feature is the reading of 1 John in as many languages as possible. Ash Wednesday Services, held on Ash Wednesday during regular chapel time, provide the optional imposition of ashes. When possible, the service is co-celebrated with the local Catholic priest. Blessing of the Animals, on the last chapel of the semester we hold an outdoor service in which we thank God for the gifts and blessings that our animal friends offer us all year. Animals great and small attend this service! Baccalaureate Service is held on the Sunday morning of graduation. This service is planned by a committee consisting primarily of members of the graduating class. The chaplain offers a brief message, and a member of the graduating class also offers a message. Poetry, dancing, and special music may be added to this memorable worship service. For more information, contact the chaplain's office at or call 264-4141.