Drug Free Schools Introduction To comply with the Department of Education’s General Administrative Regulations, Student Development has prepared the following report to review and summarize the College’s programs on alcohol and other drugs (AOD) for students, faculty and staff. Attention is given to the College’s information distribution process via technology and printed materials. The biennial report contains the following: Components of the AOD Program and Program Examples AOD Program Goals and Assessment of Goal Achievement AOD Program Strengths and Weaknesses Compliance Information Wilson College’s AOD Program The College’s AOD program consists of proactive educational programming, events, and activities as well as counseling/assistance services. Proactive programming includes training for key personnel on campus, including residence hall staff and orientation assistants. The training includes ways to identify behaviors related to drug and alcohol abuse, tips to promote and encourage counseling services, and ideas to design and participate in healthy alternative programs and activities. Residence Staff and Orientation Assistants, in turn, provide information to the students. All new students are required to attend an orientation program during which they are informed of the College’s policies related to drug and alcohol use, potential consequences in relation to the Wilson Honor Principle and state/federal laws. On campus counseling services are available for assistance. Student referrals to drug and alcohol counseling are made by members of the campus community and referrals can be informal and formal. When referrals are made via the latter method, they are often a part of a student judicial process. Referrals to outside agencies and/or programs are made if necessary and/or if the counseling center cannot meet the needs of the student. At present sanctions are under review by the Blue Book (student handbook) committee. Although some sanctions are outlined and published, the definitions need to be more specific. Possible sanctions found in the Blue Book range from written warnings to suspension. Faculty and staff members are provided a new employee orientation to the campus which is sponsored by the Human Resources Office. Staff is presented with a handbook outlining relevant policies and procedures. Faculty receive both a faculty and a college staff handbook. Information is provided for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which can counsel for drug and alcohol abuse but also other areas of employee concern. The College provides opportunities to be involved with 30 different clubs and organizations, Campus Activities Board programming, RAAP (Resident Assistant Activities Program) shuttles to Washington, DC and other locations, and other events to promote student engagement and provide alternatives to less positive behaviors. All of these activities provide a drug and alcohol free environment for students. The College is also a member of the American College Health Association. Beginning fall 2010, the Wellness Program Committee with representation from Health Services, Human Resources, faculty and staff collaborated to provide a culture of wellness for the campus. Activities include, but not limited to, blood drives, lunch walks around the Green, free Gardisil and flu shots (for students); minor fee for employees, health fairs, Breast Cancer Awareness month long programs, and proposing a smoke free campus. Program Examples The Apple program focuses on student athletes. Each January, a team compromised of coaches, campus personal counselor, and students participate in the conference. In the fall two students who attended present an awareness program to all new and retiring student athletes. All new students, including the new athletes, also participate in an alcohol/drug awareness program which occurs during Orientation. In addition, athletes are mandated to view a film on hazing and alcohol poisoning. The Resident Assistants in conjunction with the Campus Activities Board sponsors alcohol awareness table tents, mini seminars, and both passive and active programs. The passive programs are in the form of poster sessions and/or bulletin boards. Student Development sends a Happy 21st Birthday card to students; the card is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Residence Life provides a magnetic “Friends Take Care of Friends” pledge card as well as facts on impaired driving, tips on sipping, under the influence, sex under the influence for women only, and alcohol and women. Student Development provides a brochure on Staying Safe on Campus to all parents and students. As part of Open Houses, Premier Weekend, and Orientation, parents and students are informed about the Cleary Act, campus judicial issues, and issues related to alcohol/drugs. AOD Program Goals and Assessment The goals for Wilson College’s AOD program include: All students, faculty, and staff will be notified of the College’s drug and alcohol policies and will be provided with information needed to access polices. Assessment: This goal has been accomplished. All new students and employees have been given information about the policies as well as how to access them on the College Website. This distribution has occurred over a period of time and, in theory, every employee and student has had information and exposure to the information. Wilson has a large adult degree, part time student population. WCGA, the student government, sent postcards to all part-time and commuting degree seeking students reminding them tropic up the student handbook from the campus post office. Assessment: Approximately 55% of this population has been reached. Will need review 2010-2011 for better contact methods. Within the next 18 months, the College should also have an integrated technology provider which will also assist in information distribution. All students and employees shall be notified of the College’s drug and alcohol counseling/assistance programs will be provided. Assessment: This goal has been accomplished in a similar manner to goal one. In addition, counseling staff send an e-mail message to staff/faculty to inform about resource including the Women in Need Program in the event of abusive situations. Drug and alcohol education programs will be presented to the campus community with special attention given to new students through orientation, athletes, and/or residential students will have a variety of targeted programs. Assessment: These programs have been enhanced in the last three years; a grant has provided extra support through the NCAA Apple programs for athletes; the student activities money provided through RAAP; the on floor programs which are active in participation and/or passive with poster sessions and general brochure information from a variety of vendors like Bacchus, National Clearinghouse on Alcohol Education, Paperclip Communications, and Pennsylvania Department of Health to name a few. AOD Strengths and Weakness The AOD Program complies with federal, state, and local laws and meets the ethical obligations to keep the students and employees informed about these polices and consequences. Changing technology, even within the last two years, creates difficulty in reaching some campus community members. Most do not read and/or avail themselves to campus information unless they feel an immediate need for such. The college has to evaluate the best and/or most common practice on how to educate through new technologies’ in order to reach students and employees. However in the meantime, the policies are available on the website as well as hard copies given to the college community For specific program details which address athletic presentations, the Apple Program, Residence Life, contact the Vice President for Student Development. Dean of Students for hard copy verification. For referrals lists, please see then attached.