Directions From the North (I-81) Follow I-81 South - Take exit 17 (Walker Rd) in Pennsylvania Turn right onto Walker Road for 0.3 miles to the stop light. Turn right onto Norland Ave. Follow Norland Ave. for 1.4 mi. (through two stop lights) to a stop sign. At the intersection with Route 11 you can turn left for the Main Gate or South Entrance or go straight for the North Entrance. From the South (I-81) Follow I-81 North - Take exit 17 (Walker Rd) in Pennsylvania Turn left onto Walker Road for 0.3 mi. until to a stop light. Turn right onto Norland Ave. Follow Norland Ave. for 1.4 mi. (through two stop lights) to a stop sign. At the intersection with Route 11 you can turn left for the Main Gate or South Entrance or go straight for the North Entrance. From the West (I-76 PA Turnpike) Follow I-76 East. Take exit 201 (old exit 15/Blue Mountain) Right on 997 South Turn right on 641 South Turn left onto 997 South Turn right onto Route 11 South Follow Route 11 South for approximately 5 miles. Wilson College will be on your right. First you will see the North Entrance then after the curve the Main Gate and then the South Entrance. From the East (I-76 PA Turnpike) Follow I-76 West. Take exit 226 (old exit 16/Carlisle/I-81). Follow I-81 South - Take exit 17 (Walker Rd) in Pennsylvania Turn right onto Walker Road for 0.3 mi. to the stop light. Turn right onto Norland Ave. Follow Norland Ave. for 1.4 mi. (through two stop lights) to a stop sign. At the intersection with Route 11 you can turn left for the Main Gate or South Entrance or go straight for the North Entrance. ApplyRequest info DirectionsCampus and Parking MapCampus ParkingWilson College Creek Access Parking MapCampus HousingLocal AccommodationsShoppingChurches & Healthcare Wilson College is committed to the importance and value of a college education. That's why we work hard to keep our degree programs affordable. Learn more about financial aid.