Delaware Scholarships DELAWARE – state-funded programs for Delaware state residents who submit the FAFSA prior to April 15 each year may be eligible for several grant programs. Scholarship Incentive Program (ScIP) Fulltime student with at least a 2.5 GPA Legal resident of Delaware, US citizen or eligible non-citizen Awards are $1,000 depending on GPA Complete FAFSA Renewable annually if FAFSA filed on time Complete SCIP application beginning January 2 and before May 15 at 4:30 PM Enrolled in program not available at the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, or Delaware Technical Community College. Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others Legal resident of Delaware, US citizen or eligible non-citizen for three or more consecutive years prior to date of application Children of deceased military, police officers killed in the line of duty or POWs or MIAs Age 16-24 Enrolled in a program of study not offered at a Delaware public college or university Complete SCIP application beginning January 2 and before May 15 at 4:30 PM Diamond State Scholarship (Charles Hebner Memorial Scholarship) Legal resident of Delaware who graduated in top quarter of high school class SAT combined score of at least 1290 and 3.0 GPA Awards of $1,250 per year; approximately 50 awarded each year Applications available December 1 - February 26. Deadline February 24 by 4:30pm, renewable with a 3.0 GPA Contact Information Financial Aid T: 717-262-2016 F: 717-262-2530