Teacher Certification Pathways Online Application Application Status Admission intent - Select -Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025 Intended Pathway - Select -Foreign Language Intern Pathway (FLIP)Teacher Online Pathway (TOP)Teacher Online Pathway (TOP) - Out-of-State Intended Certification Early Childhood Education (PK-4) Middle Level (4-8) Secondary (7-12) Spanish (TOP PK-12) Health & Physical Education (PK-12) Foreign Language (PK-12, FLIP only) Business (PK-12) Special Education (PK-12) Middle Level Areas English/Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Secondary Areas Biology Chemistry English Mathematics Social Studies Earth & Space Science Foreign Languages American Sign Language Chinese French German Japanese Latin Mandarin Spanish Are you interested in certification + M.Ed/MSE? Yes No How did you hear about Teacher Certification Pathways? Select one. Attended a TCP Information Session Radio Search Engine Email Social Media Website Banner Ad Word of Mouth Other… Enter other… Radio Local Radio Station Public Radio Spotify Search Engine Google Bing Social Media Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Word of Mouth Colleague/Employer TCP Completer Friend/Family PA Department of Education Personal Information First Name Middle Last Name Previous names on transcripts Mailing Address City State Postal Zip Code Cell phone Personal Email Date of Birth Gender Male Female U.S. Citizen Yes No Please respond to both of the following questions on race and ethnicity. Are you Hispanic or Latino origin? Yes No What is your race? Select from the following categories White Asian Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Other… Enter other… Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony or other crime? Yes No Educational Background 1. Bachelor's Degree Institution Degree & Major Date Conferred Cumulative GPA 2. Post Baccalaureate Degree Institution Degree & Major Date Conferred Cumulative GPA 3. If more institutions were attended, please provide name(s) of institution and dates attended: Have you attended Wilson College previously? Yes No Years Attended Have you ever had a request for certification denied by Pennsylvania or any other state? Yes No Have you ever had a teacher certification suspended or revoked by Pennsylvania or another state? Yes No Please provide official transcripts to: Wilson College, Education Office, 1015 Philadelphia Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201 or official e-transcripts to tcp@wilson.edu. Essay Why do you wish to become a teacher? (300-500 words) Please answer the essay question above. If you prefer, you can email it later or mail it in with the application fee. Just type in "sending later." Acceptance Check here By checking this box, you agree that all the information contained in this application is correct and accurate. Any falsification of any of the above information may result in the disqualification of your application. Wilson College does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin or handicap in the admission of students or participation in college educational programs, activities, financial aid or employment. Wilson College will review your application after the Teacher Certification Pathways office has received each of the following: Completed application form with $35 non-refundable application fee, essay, official college transcripts from each school attended (please be advised that you may be required to submit course descriptions to assist in evaluation of transfer credit), up-to-date resume of education and work experience, two (2) 'Statements of Recommendation' (form available on previous Apply to Wilson webpage), and copies of current clearances (Act 24, 34, 114, 151 & TB). Please send all materials to tcp@wilson.edu or Wilson College, Education Office, 1015 Philadelphia Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Submit Leave this field blank