Registration Wilson does not accept course registrations over the phone, but we encourage students to call the ADP office at 717-262-2025 or 800-421-8402 to make an appointment with a counselor. Once you have made contact with your counselor, registration may be conducted via email. The email states the course information, is printed by the counselor, attached to the registration form and submitted to the Registrar. The email serves as the student's signature. To register in person, go to the ADP office on the second floor of Norland Hall on the Chambersburg campus. In-person registrations are taken from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on weekdays, after hours or Saturday appointments can be made directly with the ADP office on an as needed basis. Early registration is encouraged, especially if you are under time constraints for completion of your degree requirements and need a specific course. Class size is limited. Registration deadlines do exist so please refer to the course schedule on our web site. Textbooks Textbooks may be purchased through the Wilson Online Bookstore. Associate Degrees Second Associate Degree Bachelor Degrees Certificates Course Registration Transfer Credits Academic Support Center Relevant links ... Associate Degrees Bachelor Degrees Certificates Course Registration Transfer Credits Academic Support Center