Faculty spotlight: Philip Lindsey Cooley Gallery is showing an exhibition of Philip Lindsey's work from his time on sabbatical. "Passages: New Work by Philip Lindsey" is on display through January 31. Philip is known on campus, not only for his art but for his positive attitude and enthusiasm for his students. He shares, "Helping students realize that they are capable of creating a work of art that demonstrates, not only incredible technical skill, but deep contextual content as well, is particularly rewarding. This happens every semester. A student who has never attempted drawing or painting, discovers that they are capable of saying something they never knew was inside of them. It is a moment of discovery and realization. Then, they realize their world just got a little bigger. That is a special moment, and the kind of moment that Wilson faculty live for." See the information and hours for Cooley Gallery here: https://www.wilson.edu/cooley-gallery Image Contact Wilson College Office of Marketing and Communications 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, Pa. 17201