English and Communications at Wilson College virtual info session

Wilson College is holding virtual panel discussions with faculty as well as current students and staff. We plan to cover everything from what it’s like to live on campus, specific majors, and all things financial aid.

Register to attend this Zoom session. 

Wednesday, May 27 (4 p.m. EST)
English and Communications at Wilson College
Hear from faculty in Wilson's English and communications departments.

Education Program at Wilson College Virtual Info Session

Wilson College is holding virtual panel discussions with faculty as well as current students and staff. We plan to cover everything from what it’s like to live on campus, specific majors, and all things financial aid.

Register to attend this Zoom session. 

Tuesday, May 26 (4 p.m. EST)
Education Program at Wilson College
Hear from faculty in Wilson's education program department

Athletics at Wilson College Info Session: Baseball

Wilson College is holding virtual panel discussions with faculty as well as current students and staff. We plan to cover everything from what it’s like to live on campus, specific majors, and all things financial aid.

Register to attend this Zoom session. 

Friday, May 22 (4 p.m. EST)
Athletics at Wilson College
Meet our baseball coach and hear about their NCAA program.

Academic Awards Ceremony

Each year, students from all disciplines are chosen by their professors to receive a variety of college awards based on exemplary and outstanding academic merit and achievement. An awards ceremony is held in their honor at the closing of the annual Student Research Day. This year’s ceremony will be held using Zoom videoconferencing to award winners and presenters could see and interact with each other on their computers.

More information here. 

Student Research Day

Due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Wilson will hold its 11th annual Student Research Day virtually, using the Zoom videoconferencing platform to allow students to present their research to an audience of campus community members who will watch student presentations on their computers. 

More information on the student research day page

2020 Conferring of Degrees

Wilson College class of 2020, staff, faculty, alums, friends and family of graduates, please save the date of Sunday, May 17. At 2 p.m. ET we will gather virtually here on the Wilson College Facebook page for a watch party to recognize the conferring of degrees of this years grads.

To immediately acknowledge this important moment in the lives of our graduates, we will conduct a virtual conferral of degrees. This brief event will debut via a Facebook Watch Party on the College’s Facebook page at 2 p.m. EST on May 17.

Student Research Day and Academic Awards Ceremony 2020

Due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Wilson will hold its 11th annual Student Research Day virtually, using the Zoom videoconferencing platform to allow students to present their research to an audience of campus community members who watch student presentations on their computers. Because the audience is limited to 300 people at any one time, only those who have MyWilson logins can view the presentations.

Orchesis Spring 2020 Performance

Beginning Friday, March 13, no events will be held on campus through the end of the semester (May 14, 2020) where 10 or more individuals may attend. This policy applies to all college-sponsored events, including those organized by students, and any events hosted by external organizations on our campus. As a result this event has been canceled. 

Wilson College's Dance Company

Spring Performance

Friday, April 117th |  7 p.m.

Saturday, April 18th | 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. 

Muhibbah 2020

The Muhibbah Club, Wilson's international student organization, will host a dinner featuring dishes from around the world on Saturday, March 7, in Jensen Dining Hall in Lenfest Commons. Doors open and appetizers will be served starting at 5 p.m., dinner will begin around 5:30 p.m. and entertainment presented by students will follow at 7 p.m. The event is open to the public.

The dinner will feature a variety of international foods, including: